Chatkontrolle und Konsequenzen?

Aktuell gibt es ja viel Diskussion um die Chatkontrolle, die einige aus der EU-Politik als den heiligen Gral gegen Kinderpornographie sehen. Ich lasse mal bei Seite, dass Triebtäter immer eine Möglichkeite finden werden, sich gegenseitig Bilder zu schicken und definitiv nicht Signal & Co dafür verwenden:

Habt ihr euch schon Gedanken gemacht, was ihr tun werdet, falls die Chatkontrolle tatsächlich kommt?

Ich werde wahrscheinlich auf den Brief als Kommunikationsmittel zurück wechseln. Ist zwar elendig langsam und teuer, aber da müssen sich die Polizeibehörden wenigstens Mühe geben, um die Kommunikation abzuhören.

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2 years ago

I generally do not send anything about the Internet, which has a high/sensitive data protection value for me. No account numbers, no personal data etc. At least not about all the messengers and systems that work with third-party servers.

If a complete break-up of encryption by executive agencies is possible, I will probably no longer be able to handle anything that goes beyond lapidaren smalltalk across messengers. I probably wouldn’t use it every day.

You can assure us what you want, how this “privileg” is applied and within what limits access is allowed. But no one will ever be able to make credible that such a possibility is not abused. Data that are stored homageably are abused, but now. I know specialists in offices who use their right to search the register for private purposes. This alone is already a hammer. And no one knows how many more it is.

Any access you create can be abused. This applies only to the right in the IT landscape, which is only true when the technical forces are writing safety-relevant applications because of a lack of specialists. Supported by newly found Security Bugs, Zero Day Exploits, hardware errors with security relevance. The attack vectors are therefore both technical and social.

In addition, if one crossed a limit only a small amount, the inhibition threshold drops even further.

  • First our pictures are compared with Hashes from KiPo
  • Then KI/ML methods are used for detection
  • At some point this is also used to enforce copyright

Until the end, you have to ask yourself whether the freedom of expression is still valid in the messengers. In 2060, you can’t even write *vulgar word for buttocks* because this is immediately transmitted, a digital ad is given for insult, the digital prosecutor’s office is determined, after which the e-judgment comes, of course digitally signed by the AI judge, and then the fine is drawn directly from my PayPal account. Then comes a push message from the guide certificate app that I am pre-crime. The one month of cell phone ban is implemented immediately and the thing turns off until this day.

1 year ago
Reply to  TheQ86

2060?! Tap 2028-2029, SPÄTESTENS… if all this goes on at the pace and doesn’t change a bit enormously soon on the course you’ve chosen!

2 years ago

Hopefully they won’t take Roblox’s chat control, otherwise you can’t even write more Hello.

1 year ago
Reply to  julihan41

tja I have already warned before I was laughing

2 years ago
Reply to  julihan41

Very good, then only every 10 message is read to the partner by an official. (examination)