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5 months ago

I don’t understand what you want to tell me. ChatGPT is a (admitted pretty good) record generator that accesses a very large database to generate the sentences. What is not sufficiently well represented in the database produces rubbish (which can be seen from mathematical themes). In particular, therefore, the question of what ChatGPT “thinks” about Christianity and Islam (in quotation marks because ChatGPT cannot think) is not based on three ingenious comments.

5 months ago



the faith that can adapt to society,

that will last forever

A belief that tries to adapt society,

he will fail.

And this has been so since the beginning of all times,

and will be eternal.


5 months ago

Yes, the voluntary submission of the Western companies under dne Islam.

Because the itch only sales and Christians buy dries then.

Muslims not.

The Pridemonth is always only in the west, in the near east the companies do not have any rainbow motifs.

Because only we have to learn tolerance.