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4 months ago

I often compile several things, i.d.R., I only brainstorm everything on paper and or track me to stick letters, typists and own experience, all that might be somehow important, and then I order it. I found an app last time, Fortelling, so you can structure both characters and world building and much more very well, I really like working with it. You can install it as far as I know but not on a laptop/computer, you have to look for it yourself.

Otherwise you simply start detailed stickers in a document, on Pinterest zb you will find very good templates that you can orient yourself, everything you need information you can add.

I hope I could help!

4 months ago

you have to know why the figure has become what it is.

Rowling is doing this quite well in her potter books. I’ve read that for each of her main characters, she has designed an entire resume, which is only sometimes the subject, but she has in her head, so that her characters are realistic,

4 months ago

You can dress it similar to an anamnese arch at the doctor or if you need to fill out a personal description for the police. Do not exaggerate it immediately and gradually fill out what you do not want to forget. Do not forget hobbies and talents; Hair color and eye color are not all!

4 months ago

I mean, Papyrus has the opportunity… you have to know if you’re ready to spend the money for such a program. I tried it once, and I’m not worth it, but everyone has to know that.

Otherwise, I’m working with stick letters. So a very detailed brief (for this I have a very detailed template) in which really everything is important, including the plan for the figure in the context of history and the corresponding past.
In more detail, m.E. is hardly possible. Provides the risk that writing is very hard about what was planned, but I never had a problem to avoid it.

4 months ago

I haven’t found a program yet, especially that every story has different focuses. On Pinterest there are some good templates, I have combined a few and created my own characterization with everything that is important for my history