Chance auf Auslandssemster?

Hallo, ich werde ab nächstem Semester Elektrotechnik an einer Uni studieren und ich würde total gerne ein Auslandssemester (wenn möglich in Skandinavien oder englissprachigen Ländern) machen. Wie hoch ist da die Chance angenommen zu werden? Also reichen so durchschnittliche Studienleistungen oder muss man extrem gut sein? Und wird man immer finanziell unterstützt oder muss man sich quasi extra für ein Auslandsstipendium bewerben?

Ich weiß das das nicht überall gleich ist, aber ich würde super gerne mal Erfahrungen von anderen hören:)

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8 months ago

Basically, it is necessary to know that there is the possibility of exchange to a university with which your university can have a corresponding agreement. They’re a few per country.

You have more choice in Europe with Erasmus.

You usually don’t have to pay tuition fees for both, and if your income / fortune isn’t too high, you can apply for foreign reserves.

As far as the chances of adoption are concerned, this is a bit difficult to say on a flat-rate basis. Fact is: in certain countries and cities and at certain colleges, for reasons that are sure you also want to find yourself easily, more students than in others, there are more applications for this, ergo decreases the prospect of success. It is therefore definitely recommended that you apply to more than one university abroad. It is necessary to keep looking because the different countries can have different application deadlines and Erasmus has its own schedule anyway. Good grades are of course helpful, but vice versa no guarantee (and I have already experienced people who had no such good performance and were still taken). In principle, I tell you quite honestly: I have never experienced a student, or heard of someone who could not make a semester abroad because he was rejected everywhere.

8 months ago

You should first check for which laenders there are the Erasmus funding, which universities participate in the program and offer your course in English. Before admission, you must successfully take the TOEFL / IELTS test to ensure that you can follow the English courses. Basic knowledge of the national language should ideally be accompanied, sometimes they are required.

With a meaningful letter of motivation, proofs of your academic achievements and a letter of recommendation from your professor, you will apply for the program. There are more applicants than utilisable research place.

8 months ago

Then the Erasmus program would be ideal for you. You should be at least in a better midfield. If the program is not overrun at your university, there is a good chance, especially if your department has a partner university in one of the countries relevant to you. Often, however, master students are preferred.