Cenorim.com abzocke oder real ?
ja wo soll ich anfangen ich habe diese crypto schei** angefangen und hab von cenorim.com erfahren wollte das machen ( habe meine Bankdaten auch schon eingegeben) und hab mich bisschen um geschaut darum und bin ziemlich zweigespalten ob das eine ernsthafte trading Seite ist oder nicht. Falls die jemand kennt freu mich über Rückmeldung. Und falls das ein scam ist wo darf ich mich melden damit meine Konto Daten nicht weiter kommen 🙈
That you ask this question testifies that you cannot filter data and do not recognize even coarse warning signals. There’s nothing divided, but it’s 100% clear.
Find a broker because there are 10+ years. IBKR, Tasty, Schwab and many others. Look who offers your products. But no obvious scams.
I don’t make a crypt, coinbase.com seems to be quite established there.
This is what my antivirus program says when trying to enter the page.
Sound Whois domain the website was only on 03. January 2025 registered. So it doesn’t exist for two months. How did you even know about the platform? It doesn’t seem serious to me.
It depends on what you entered. If you have entered the access data for online banking, you should leave the access immediately.
If you only entered the IBAN, you don’t have to worry. In principle, no one can start anything. Maximum an unauthorized direct debit that you can then book back at the expense of the scams for 13 months. Because this is a much too expensive attempt to fraud due to the cost of the fraud, it almost never takes place.
Yes I may have been influenced by social media… I only have IBAN Bankname and my name. Thank you for your answer has helped me very much 🙌🏼