Cello oder Geige?
Welches Instrument findet ihr schöner? Also jetzt nicht in einem Orchester wo man beides braucht, sondern einzeln
Welches Instrument findet ihr schöner? Also jetzt nicht in einem Orchester wo man beides braucht, sondern einzeln
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Hey leute, Ich habe dieses piano eben geschenkt bekommen und ich wollte spielen und wenn ich eine taste bestätige kommt kein sound. Weiss jemand wie ich das löse? Eine Antwort wäre sehr hilfreich:) lg angelo
I personally find cello more beautiful (play that for 5 years) because I find the deeper tones more comfortable, especially at the beginning when the tones are still somewhat sloping 🙂
Cello. It sounds deeper, melancholic, wearer, because the violin sometimes acts “intrusively”, which is of course a matter of taste.
In any case, cello can act as a solo instrument as well as the violin, cello can also break out of the classical musical direction and, for example, be used in symphonic metal and the like.
I just think cello sounds more beautiful.
Violin. But probably also because I have been forced to play them since childhood. But the sound is beautiful and you can actually take it anywhere, making it easier to find a quiet place to play.
Geige. Sure, Geige.
But without a joke, Geige is one of my favorite instruments, along with piano and flute. If I had more money, I’d probably take violin lessons myself, even though I, I suppose, would be very bad in it.
These are both super instruments, each optimized for its purpose.
In contrast to this, the viola – should be somehow both, but nix of it can be right. For deep tones too small, for high too large. But after all, you can move low-performer violin pupils there.
It’s a cello. It is in a much pleasant poppy height.