Cbd oder thc?
Gestern wollten sich kollegen mit Mädels mit mir treffen und ein joint rauchen ich war aber zu stoned um dahinzukommen lag im bett die ganze zeit meine Augen waren aber nicht rot kennst du das und mir war schwindelig alles hat sich gedreht ist das cbd oder thc
Cannabidiol has no such effect. If ordinary grass was involved, this effect is probably mainly due to tetrahydrocannabinol and to too much of it.
You should deal with the topic urgently. There are quite a few basics that you should know before you consume. Look here:
You probably smoked cannabis. Cannabis contains THC as well as CBD.
You’re a beginner? Then I recommend “noise” from Wurth and Geyer.
This is THC –
CBD drops are medical hemp for example against pain.
Medical hemp against pain has infinitely many varieties with THC.
CBD drops as an oil are usually ineffective and simply pull the money out of the bag:
So Lifestyle-CBD really works (or not) | ZDF Magazine Royale – YouTube