CBD Blüten 100% Legal?

Hallo, ich wollte gerne fragen ob sich jemand 100% mit dem CBD Cannabis Regelungen auskennt. Ich möchte CBD Blüten bestellen um diese zu Rauchen, aber habe die Grundlage nicht ganz verstanden was jetzt legal ist (ich wollte bei Cannabuben.de bestellen). Also die Blüten die ich bestellen wollte haben unter 0,2% THC und 70% CBD. Ist das jetzt 100% legal zu bestellen ? Muss ich mir keine Sorgen machen das ich hier was Illegales mache bzw. Eine Grauzone ausnutze ? Das möchte ich Nehmlicht nicht 🙁 . Danke schonmal im voraus

https://cannabuben.de/produkt/og-kush/ hier die blüten.

Und noch eine Frage, was bedeutet das 80% <0,2% THC ?

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9 months ago

In my knowledge, it is still the highest judicial decision to ban CBD. Google “Federal Court to CBD”.
However, the Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, has announced that he intends to remove the so-called “noise clause” (which is why CBD is prohibited as a smokeable herb) in the course of further changes to useful hemp.

The BGH considers it possible that extractable substances can be extracted from large amounts of CBD.
Only a few people know the BGH decision, which is why CBD is still sold from obscure sources to kiosks, gas stations and headshops.

what does that mean 80% <0.2% THC?

I think it means that in 80% of the CBD sold there are less than 0.2% THC and in the remaining 20% (maybe) even less or more than 0.2%

CBD is relatively unsuitable for consumption and does not work in the sense that it triggers a high. Some users report relaxation, which could also be based on placebo or autouggestion.
CBD reduces/reduced the incidence frequency in cases of certain epilepsy forms.

9 months ago

CBD flowers have only been banned from the sale of the KCanG if their THC content is above 0.3%.

With fewer THC, they are useful hemp and thus the sales ban no longer applies.

9 months ago

Can you order, I do it regularly. CBD flowers are sold as a room refresher so Legal

9 months ago
Reply to  Doktormythos2

Just because something is sold unregulated, it is not legal for a long time.

9 months ago
Reply to  Doktormythos2

As a rule, CBD bags sold as “room refresher” are provided with the indication “Not suitable for personal use”.
These flowers generally have high herbicide and pesticide residues.
Who smokes such a thing voluntarily does not have all the bricks on the roof.