Cat-Test Bundeswehr?
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe nächste Woche Dienstag und Mittwoch mein Einstellungsverfahren in Erfurt.
Beworben habe ich mich für die Laufbahn der Feldwebel und Unteroffiziere. Ich habe mir den Plakos test Trainier gekauft und damit die ganze Zeit Geübt und auch ein paar Prüfungssimulationen gestartet.
Ich zweifle gerade ein wenig an den Cat-Test. Eventuell mache ich mir nur zu viele sorgen wegen Prüfungsangst und so.. ich muss zugeben dass ich in Mathe sehr schlecht bin bzw. wenn es um Berechnungen geht bin ich oft raus wenn ich keinen Taschenrechner benutzen darf, genauso wie es auch beim Cat-Test sein wird.
wie war euer Cat-Test? wie war der Mathe teil? Könnt ihr mir irgendwelche Tipps geben oder Hinweise auf Sachen wofür ich mich besonders vorbereiten muss für den Mathematische Teil?
Ich freue mich auf eine Antwort. Dienstag kommt immer näher und desto mehr merke ich die Anspannung xD
I once tried to study the Bundeswehr. I only had a 30-minute test in an assessment center. There were questions from different categories.
There were things included like simple math tasks (a few roots you should be able to draw, pythagoras, the square numbers up to 20 would also be helpful because time pressure), physics understanding (How to turn the gears at the end when the first turns like this). Then there was another test of how well I remember and tap morse signs. I think it was so rough
After that it went to an examination centre for 3 days. Health is once again completely tasted (ears, eyes, teeth, reflexes, balance…) I was tested in 2 different scenarios as I react in a group and had to solve a problem with the group. For example, 5 members in the group and you have only 3 job offers. Who gets the jobs? There was another conversation with a psychologist and a sports test. Then I don’t know anymore because I flew out. Missed me in leadership.
I can imagine that the subofficial could be minimally lower.
Thank you for your answer and for sharing your experiences. However, I will only have to answer the questionnaire (personality type), medical examination, sports test, cat test and psychological conversation. It’s just two days. I don’t think I’m gonna get this complicated stuff. The Cat test is based on the career and the desired profession. I won’t study there. Will try to get to Fallis, mountain hunters or tank repair.
For your fear also make it clear that these are just ordinary people, they need staff and many of you have already made it. At the moment the Bundeswehr is not so selective and your chances are good.
I was also told that I should not be so good in some areas, but in others it is not the same.
That’s true, too. I think my performance won’t be so bad. I guess I could be in the range between 60 and 70%. That’s what happened, but I always want to make the best of it. I hope that not so many complex maths are involved, the easier the better. Otherwise I am in English, German, Logical thinking (Zahnräder, stromlaufplanung) quite well thanks to my current training as a motor mechatronic
So, I can only congratulate you on your demanding career choice, your fear of math examination is absolutely unfounded. Thinking will take you off your superiors, on your level it comes on a little bit. Just make sure that you don’t get like this peddler who, from whatever considerations, didn’t want to be inoculated against Corona and now sits in jail for refusal of command. Can you Crasten-Jahn-Blogg on yT read that he has reported on this case several times.
Thank you.
I do not know how to help this answer
I have to think that as a team leader.
Of course, but in the front, death or wounding always thinks, there you are never alone.
Now there’s the moderator exam you don’t have to take!
In math at least three sets, interest rate bill, square numbers root draw, triangle Pythagoras.
Find help in math.
You could have picked up the Cat Test under for free.
As the Cat Test will be done, I will learn at the beginning of December. ;