Carsharing total teuer?
Huhu also ich habe kein Auto da es in meiner Stadt Carsharing gibt , wird für Studenten beworben, also dachte ich cool , ist bestimmt günstig.
Nun nutze ich das vlt einmal die Woche , fahre dann so ca 60km (hin und zurück ) und “buche ” es 2-4 Stunden.
Hab das jetzt 4 Mal gemacht und gerade kam meine Rechnung und ich dachte mich trifft der Schlag!
198€ ! Für 4 Fahrten mit oben genannten Konditionen .
Das sind ca 50€ Pro fährt.
Findet ihr das auch so teuer wie ich ??ich bin echt schockiert und überlege zu kündigen , den günstig finde ich das nicht. Eure Meinung?
That’s why this hasn’t prevailed.
N day trip with the escooter would also be sauteuer. For the tram
The provider wants and has to earn something. Cars “reached” are not as long as their own, it has to be repaired more often and the vehicles are more often renewed. You’re paying everything.
In the rest, rental vehicles also cost around double insurance like a self-used
If it’s too expensive, it’s only sensible for me if you really can’t access the public. you have to go out of town and have to make an appointment urgently.
Do you think that’s as expensive as I am?? I’m really shocked and thinking about quitting, I don’t think that’s cheap. Your opinion?
Now ask yourself why this is not cheaper? You pay for the following (shared): petrol, take-off costs, process fees, employee wage
The money must come from somewhere.
Why are you upset?
You know the prices or didn’t you steal before?
But now in the ratio of black to white, is something else
You use a car, drive 240 km comfortably from door to door. Is of course more expensive than a bus, but much cheaper than a TAxi. Take care.
However: According to the fare list Stadtmobil Hannover costs 4 hours plus 65 km only just 15 €. Are you going on? Or do you leave the car outside the zone? Or why do you pay more than 3 times as much as the list?
Why Hanover? I don’t live in Hannover
Yes, but the fares are hardly so different from city to city.