Car or plane?

is it actually better to go on vacation by car or by plane? let’s say you want to go from germany to italy. should you go by car, even though it takes a lot longer, or by plane?

i want to know because of the environmental consequences and also what would be cheaper. car or plane?

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13 years ago

If you travel alone, the aircraft is certainly in the advantage of environmental pollution and it is fully booked. With 4 people, this looks different again. Consumption increases only slightly but is distributed to 4 persons. From the price too, the full car should be cheaper than 4 tickets. If you want to drive by car alone, register with a ride center. I’ve taken 2 people to Italy and got a lot of fuel costs.

13 years ago

To Italy the best would be a journey by train. If you have the best environmental balance, you need more time like a plane, but you don’t have a traffic jam like a car, don’t have to drive yourself and relax on your journey. As the railway usually goes electric and gets its juice from hydropower in Austria and Italy, you really have a very positive environmental balance. It just costs a little. But you also get something: service, tranquility and you can take a look at the magnificent landscape on your way to Italy.

13 years ago

I always prefer the plane. It goes faster and is more convenient.

13 years ago

If you can plan in the long term, you will often get cheap offers. Google time, there are low-cost carriers.

13 years ago

I always prefer the car! You just have more fun.

2 months ago with a few friends traveled a 1700km long distance by car within about 20h:)

13 years ago

It depends on where you want in Italy? It can be quite necessary to fly nicely and then have to travel on with a connecting train or bus – which may also compensate for the time savings again!

13 years ago

longer distances are cheaper with certainty! – especially the “absolute tourist countries” – the flight prices are sometimes cheap! (Only to “expand” – by car you will certainly not come from Munich to Rome by 100 Euro – and this is not even the “best offer”!)

13 years ago

also depends on which airline you fly…. I myself would fly

13 years ago

For the environment, it is best to drive by train or not at all.The aircraft is one of the biggest hurdles.