Canon Sure Shot Supreme aus Versehen geöffnet vor dem Zurückspulen des Films?
ich habe mir eine analoge Kamera (Canon sure shot supreme) gekauft und nun zum ersten Mal einen Film befüllt. Aus Unwissenheit habe ich zum Entnehmen aus Versehen den Deckel geöffnet, ohne Vorher den Rewind Button zu drücken…
Ist der Film jetzt kaputt? Leider lässt sich der Rewind auch nicht mehr betätigen, da die Anzeige durch das Öffnen und wieder schließen zurück auf 0 gesprungen ist…
if on the film what was important/valuable one goes to the photo trader or to the photo department of Mediamarkt, Saturn, Alphatecc lets the film in the dark bag and only develop. Then you know 5-8 days later if there was something else on the movie. If there is nothing important on the film, you sell the camera as long as it works and there is still money for it and buy an idiot-proof analog film camera with “Rapid” system. ZB an Agfa, Pentax, Ricoh, Fujifilm, Olympus or a Canon EOS 1,3,5,7,10, 20, 30, 33, 40, 50,100, 200, 300s, 500s SLR with Safe Winding.
These cameras pull out when you load film and then transport it back to the can. This had press photographers and the military already in the 70s in the load catalog or that could/from the 80s zb the Contax RTS, Rollei SL2000, the Canon F1n, the Canon T90, Nikon F3P,
When you open the back wall, you don’t lose an already made picture. In the ’90s, the plastic cameras came where the back wall locks were broken at the age, and the professionals also passed this.
I’d like to draw a few things right now. The Rapid system is only a good recommendation if you create films yourself and best develop yourself, so that they do not lose rare blank cartridges. Ready to buy, they haven’t been around for a while.
What is meant by “Safe Winding” is explained here. However, the cameras listed do not quite agree. I’m just referring to the cameras I have myself or at least used myself. The Canon EOS 1 and EOS 3 work quite normal and do not pull out the film completely. I also have a Canon EOS 500N. In the case of this, it is actually the case that the film is pulled out completely and then pulled back into the coil with each recording. With the analog EOS, this is rather a feature of amateur cameras. They could also break the locking of the rear wall rather than the very robust professional models. I can’t say anything about the two-digit EOS, but would have to be taken from the user manual. This is explicitly mentioned in the EOS 500N.
The Contax RTS works quite normal. Since there is a motor only as an accessory, the film is pulled out of the cartridge as usual with each picture. This is similar to the Canon F1n. I can’t imagine they’re working differently.
Hello I had already on vacation: somewhere in the dark, wardrobe under the bedcloth, cellar, at night under 3 black garbage bags etc. Take the film out and rewind.
At the employer, we had microfilm cameras, which were also mismanipulated and there were bandsalat: with 3 mail bags on top of each other it worked super. However, 3-4 images will be gone.
Thank you. That makes hope 🙂
You can remove the film from the camera at night in the dark under the duvet, it has to be stock-dark, and rewind it by hand and give it to develop, then you can see the result, if the start of the film is still usable
Thank you. That makes hope 🙂
Don’t get overexposed.
There’s nothing to be saved from your photos.
Doesn’t make any difference now.
You can take the film, dispose of it and insert a new one. Next time, you know what you’re gonna need to rewind.
But isn’t the part damaged the top?
Yes, it is: From own experience, the whole movie is not the devil: The film has a rear lighthouse protection, which is lightproof, and when preferring it is wound up quite tightly.. The chance that you will see a lot in the pictures 1-28 is great!
Try it!
The light goes everywhere.
You can of course be lucky that the first pictures (which were in the middle in the left part) are only overexposed on the edge. But I wouldn’t make great hope.
The film is not in vain in 2 cans for transport and storage.
Thank you. That makes hope 🙂
Yeah, he is. But you learn from mistakes. It’ll never happen to you again.
I hope you didn’t have any recordings on it.
But isn’t it just the part damaged the top?