Canon eos R6 für Konzert Fotografie?
Hallo ihr lieben,
ich bin am überlegen mir nun nach ca 3 Jahren eine neue Kamera zuzulegen. Mein Budget liegt bei ca 1500€ (für gebrauchte Geräte)
ich hab die letzten Jahre mit einer alten 5D Mark II gearbeitet und möchte nun in Richtung Spiegellos gehen. Da ist mir die die R6 ins Auge gefallen. Ist die gut geeignet? Oder habt ihr noch bessere Empfehlung für mich?
Ich werde die kamera fast ausschließen (wie jetzt auch) als Konzert Kamera verwenden…und möchte auf jeden Fall bei Canon bleiben…bitte nur Empfehlungen schreiben und ob die kamera geeignet/ ungeeignet ist…keine Frechen Rückfragen wie „warum spiegellos, deine kamera reicht doch aus usw.“ das ist meine Entscheidung die ich bereits getroffen habe und solche Antworten helfen mir 0,0 weiter. Dafür stelle ich auf dieser Plattform keine Fragen.
Danke schon mal an jeden der auf die Frage korrekt eingeht und versucht eine hilfreiche Antwort zu schreiben 🫶🏻
From the data sheet, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’d still see the ihc get a good lens with open aperture. The beiliging lens with 24-105mm f4-f7.1 would be a bit light wax
Thank you. I already own light-strong lenses (haven’t written what I have for lenses and which aren’t), but for the Ef system. With adapters, they can be used normally at the R, right?
Believe it, Canon doesn’t follow that exactly because I changed from my EOS 750D to a Sony Alpha 6300 years ago and then last year to an A7R2. But according to the Canon side there is an adapter to use the lenses without restriction, then just everything “something” becomes more clober. Grade if you want to become a little more compact, I would then change over short or long to native lenses, even if yours are already a little older, because then there were also quality improvements in new lenses. If I’m just not sure how big the selection at the EOS R in lenses is now, then one thing that belongs to Canon was that that didn’t release the connection (or another one of a newer camera) so that other manufacturers produce lenses (and sometimes also tear them in court)
I only have Canon lenses.
Not even more klobiger, as on an EF/EF-S camera, since the adapter only provides the space normally available for the mirror. But there are restrictions anyway. Not all functions are 100% supported. I myself also find myself in the depth of EF-S on RF-S. Some third-party manufacturers at Objective have compatiblity lists, where some AF no longer works, some firmware needs to be updated in the lenses etc… What may be that the Canon lenses themselves can be 100% adapted. But third-party manufacturers definitely have restrictions. And if it is “just” the failure of the motive tracking, as Sigma writes in the 10-20mm F3.5.
Why shouldn’t she be well suited? Cameras are not getting worse and the R6 is definitely a further step forward from a 5DII (12 years of technical progress). Mainly in terms of ease of use, autofocus/focus tracking, serial image speed and video. But also noise quality and dynamics have made a small jump forward.
Also a great advantage is that you can use your entire existing lenses with the EF-EOS R adapter. You can find third-party adapter for 30-40€
Top camera. Have even the EOS R and also take for it
Thank you.
How long have you been?
About 3 years