Canon Eos 3000 n einstellen?
Kann mir wer helfen will meine eos 3000n
Will mit Fotos anfangen. Ich habe die Kamera von einem Bekannten bekommen. Die Kamera funktioniert. Ich wollte fragen, wie kann man die Kamera einstellen wie mit fotografieren anfangen.
Are you sure that you want to start a camera long after the end of the analogue era, where you constantly have to pay relatively expensive small picture films + development and image costs?
a digital is the better one for you; with which you can experiment after “heartful” to make 100 or more rehearsals that can not cost a cent and be deleted with a click. this “try & error” would cost a lot of money with the analog 3000 N, and eventually you regret it.
photographing with a mirror-reflective and change-objectives leaves hardly any desire for more, because you can learn everything that means good/beautiful images at the end. it also goes with other systems, e.g. compact digital or so-called “bridge” cameras with fixed objective; but with all possibilities of adjustment.
Thanks for the info don’t want to get me kamara for expensive money, who isn’t fun for me
As you seem to have little (or no) previous knowledge, I can recommend that you look in more detail here:
After that you will certainly have a good idea how to proceed.
Good luck!
Thank you.
Thank you.
… if you like, you can give some feedback in a few days/weeks, if you have looked around there, if you could help the “course”.
I think that Tom! is a very good “explainant,” but I am a little bit impartial;-)