Canon EOS 2000D Fernaufnahme?

Hey, ich hätte eine Frage bezüglich der Kamera EOS 2000D. Ich bin nämlich noch neu im Fotografiebereich und möchte gern als Hobby weiter fotografieren. Und zwar wohne ich nahe bei einem Feld und möchte da die Rehe und Hasen fotografieren nur weiß ich nicht welches Objektiv dafür geeignet ist. Vielleicht kennt sich ja jemand aus und könnte mir weiterhelfen.

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1 year ago


Hase and Rehe are not “earners”. Remote recordings start in half a mile, or at the end of the runway of an airport

If you are standing in front of the balcony or open window of hares and deer, an EFS 55-250 IS STM or the EF 70-300 IS USM is enough, but I would rather recommend an EF 70-200/4 or EF 70-200/2.8 when you visit Rehen in early dawn.

So my suggestion would be the following shopping order

1. Canon EF 70-200/2.8 L USM used from 450€ with

2.) Single-legged tripod used from 25€

If necessary

3. Canon EF TC 2x II used from 150€

4. Canon EOS 5DIII or 7DII used from 500€

If you do not get out with 200mm, the TC2x results in a 140-400/5.6

The 2000D is not a camera for wildlife/sport reportage but with professional zooms at Blende 2.8 is quite high with some care at work. Most only know the autofocus performance with the slow DC Kit Zoom. This is not the “usual” autofocus power of Canon EOS camera technology or the 18-55 DC are “disposable optics” which force to buy a better optics. The DC optics are also too loud for local wildlife, although city noise with party music often have no problems. You can also “plimpen” DC optics.

If the budget is tight

1. Tamron SP 70-200/2.8 IF Macro used from 250€

2.) Single-legged tripod used from 25€

3. Tamron TC 2x for 001 optics used from 100€

4. Canon EOS 6D used from 350€

1 year ago

Since very many people switch to the R System (DLSM), there are currently many used lenses with EF bayonet and therefore also favorable. Look around a Sigma 150 – 600mm (not the ancient 150 – 500mm) you will get around 600€

1 year ago

Depends on what you want to spend.

The EF-S 55-250mm STM would be the most affordable zoom lens. Used for ~250€ on MPB or cheaper on classifieds:

Used Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM | MPB

Also there is the more expensive Canon 70-300mm IS II USM. Or from Sigma the 100-400mm and the 150-600mm. The latter is used with approx. 700€ the most expensive and also the hardest (~2kg), but also has the largest range. Also from Tamron you get a 150-600mm in approximately the same price range.

Used Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary – Canon EF Compatible | MPB

1 year ago

The best way to use a telephoto lens with the greatest possible focal length.

For example, the Tamron 150 mm – 600 mm.

This allows you to image these animals relatively large.