Canon EOS 2000D externes Mikrofon?
Halli hallo hallöle
Ich wollte einmal fragen ob ich an meine Canon EOS 2000D ein externes Mikrofon anschließen kann so das ich z.B. Geräusche von Vögeln mit in meinen Videos habe.
Die Anschlüsse des Mikrofons das ich gekauft habe passen leider nicht zur Kamera deshalb wollte ich auch noch fragen welches Kabel ich mir besorgen muss.
The connection for the microphone must be right next to the screw where this rubber lobe snaps in
The ding is that my cable does not fit into the connector so I need a new cable I don’t think I’m tired
Nee believes this is a connection for a remote trigger, so sees the Simbol
So I couldn’t just take a cable what goes into the USB Mini port
The 2000D has no input for an external microphone.
The round entrance you see is for a remote trigger. And you can’t just attach a micro to the USB port, which is just for data output.
As it looks there is no input for an external microphone.
So you cannot use the left port or the USB mini port for an audio cable?
No! The left connection should be for a cable trigger. And the USB port should only be used to read the card or to transfer the images directly.
One. The camera has no connection for an external microphone. You could record the soundtrack separately and add it in the edit.
The 2000er has no connection for an external microphone, also not via USB. Oh, yes, user manuals have already been invented. 😉
The technical data of the camera at Canon say something else I’m tired
die EOS 2000D bekam Ende 2020 ein Hardwareupdete unter anderem
I mean, the cheap Canons have no connection for external audio sources.
The operating instructions should give you information about it.