Canon AE1 oder AF35m?
Welche der Kameras findet ihr besser und würdet ihr empfehlen?
Welche der Kameras findet ihr besser und würdet ihr empfehlen?
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Choice between compact camera and mirror reflex… the question is what you want to do with it and what better fits you. At the AF35M you only need to print, the AE-1 must definitely be focused.
I had the AF35ML and sold it sometime. The autofocus too often did what I didn’t want. After that, I finished with compacts. I know the AE-1, but I have an A-1. So I know I’d rather go to the AE-1. But as I said… it counts what suits you better.
how exactly was that with the autofocus,how does it affect the use?
The AE-1 has a manual focus, the AF35M has an autofocus. If the autofocus sharpens the wrong things, the picture is simply not as planned.
You just have to be aware that the then infrared autofocus was not as reliable as with later cameras. It can also be irritated when the light is weak, the pointed surface has little contrast, vertical lines are missing, etc. These are exceptions, as a rule focusing works well. For me there was just too much chance in the game.
Is it possible to prevent it?