Canon 90d oder eos RP gebraucht kaufen?
Guten Abend,
bin am verzweifeln, ich lese seit Tagen im Internet was denn jetzt die bessere Wahl wäre…
Ich schwanke zwischen zwei Modellen, die 90d und die RP. Die RP ist ja die erste Spiegellose Canon Kamera und die 90d ist auch 2019 released worden.
Meine Interessen sind: Landschaften und Astrofotografie..
Beide Kameras sind in meinem Budget und bei Canon will ich unbedingt bleiben wegen meinen alten Objektiven..
Welche würdet ihr gebraucht kaufen?
danke, euch noch einen schönen Abend.
This is primarily what you want to photograph. You’ve already said landscape and astro, both don’t necessarily put mega-responses on a camera.
The 90D is more useful for sports and wildlife. Before you take it, it might be better to consider if you don’t want to go to the cheaper EOS R10, because this is even a good bit better when tracking motifs. Compared to the R10, the 90D has only the advantage of being weatherproof sealed and possessing 2 card slots.
The 90D and R10 have up to ISO 250 a higher dynamic than the RP, i.e., in the case of backlight recordings, you can save shadows a little better.
If you want high quality of simple motifs, the RP is better, which is best suited for Portrait & Lowlight. It has the advantage of being a full format, and thus you can achieve more blur in the background and have some finer noise at high ISOs. From ISO 640, the dynamics of the RP is also better than that of a 90D or R10.
Otherwise all of these cameras are all-rounders. So you won’t be happy with anyone. Maybe go to the store and take everybody in the hand.
thanks for the answer!
Despite full format, the RP should be relatively weak and splashed (but is also a beginner model) and high ISO for a VV not well tolerate. Probably it does not bring you any benefits at Low Light (Astro) and you may be better served with a good APS-C sensor overall.
Some extracts from the network to the RP
I don’t know the camera myself, but I wouldn’t buy it. The detail loss would make me abdominal pain and low noise at ISO 3200 or even 6400 also have good APS-C sensors.