Cannabis Pflanze 4 Tage ohne Wasser?
ich werde ab Sonntag bis Donnerstag nicht da sein und ich habe auch niemanden der das Gießen übernehmen könnte, kann ich die Pflanzen in der Blütephase 4 Tage ohne Wasser auf dem Balkon stehen lassen? Eventuell bevor ich gehe kräftig gießen und hoffen das alles gut geht?
Four days, even a whole week doesn’t kill your plant. If the pot is slowly a little small, then the leaves hang sadly down, but when reappearing the pot properly dip and the problem is solved.
Depends on the temperatures of how much earth the plant has and whether it is in the sun.
4 days at 30°C in the sun becomes problematic, at 25°C in the shade and lots of earth it is certainly not a problem.
Maybe you can buy some watering while you’re not there. Like this: bottle adapter-with-tone cone-fuer-pot Plants-3-stk-X003675691/?categoryId=79625331
This week there’s something like that even with Aldi South. Pflanzen-rasen/giesvertretung-vier-ideen-zur-bewaesserung#Giessschnur
Sure, it’s too little than too much!
Hopefully the plant dies and goes to hell with express ticket!
Hopefully the plant is thirsty. So’n shit!
Very right! 👍
Say, socially, you seem to be happy to split one, self-reflecting to see how often you seem to jump out of the track in all the rules of a social chariot.
If you want to tremble and reflect yourself. 😮
have you ever tried?
Never ever!!️ Either ❄️❄️👃❄️❄️ or nix
I’ve never been much acquainted with alcohol or drunk in my life. You misinterpreted ❄️❄️👃❄️❄️
But drinking dead is okay???