Cannabis Patient?
Guten Tag,
Ich rauche jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit gelegentlich Cannabis, es hilft mir tatsächlich was die Konzentration angeht und hat allgemein einen guten „Einfluss“ auf mich. Ich habe als Kind ebenfalls früher Tabletten verschrieben bekommen die für meine Konzentration waren.
Das Problem ist die Sache mit dem Auto fahren, ich würde mich natürlich nicht bekifft ans Steuer setzten, mir geht es eher um den Restwert der im Blut steckt. Daher meine Frage, wie ich dadurch an eine gewisse Bescheinigungen bekomme und wie schwierig es denn ist?
Liebe Grüße und vielen Dank im Voraus 🙂
It is not enough to smoke cannabis for a better concentration to call themselves ‘cannabis patient’.
For example, if you are ill and diagnosed with ADS/ADHS, cannabis may help, but the doctor makes the decision about a prescription. Unfortunately, cannabis prescribing doctors are still in minors, even though lucrative cannabis prescription models are paping by telemedicine.
If you’re old enough, you might want to grow your own cannabis, but then you have to choose between car driving and cannabis use.
As a patient, of course, you can rely on medication.
Problem is that your drug potentially negatively affects your rideability. That’s why your doctor must also tell you what consequences of mixed use and a deviation from your set dose.
You will not be directly punished if the rests of your medication are found in your blood. But you will open the door and door of your driver’s license to constantly request advice (at your cost) that your set dose is still the right one, and that you will also punily comply with it and not affect your driving suitability.
In particular, the aspect with mixing is also particularly important, as your driving capability under your medication is no longer guaranteed. So absolute ban on alcohol and ban on drugs at the tax. And woe your THC salary in the blood or your pharmacy bills doesn’t exactly match your prescription, that can remove you from the road for life.
The driver’s licences have looked like THC for decades and lack of driving capability. This isn’t coming out of the heads so soon.
In short: Attorneys strongly advise to avoid a punishment with such a wizard in police control. With the limit values set at last, you can allow a (!) failure under THC without having to become a MPU.
If you are a cannabis patient, the doctor will give a dosage before and on the basis of the Dization your values will be calculated.
To get a certificate is quite easy today thanks to the sublegalization.
A friend of mine gets prescribed 100g (50g blossoms and cannaxan) every month and never had any problems with control.
Prerequisite is, of course, that you have no symptoms of failure