Cannabis Konsum?
hey ho
und zwar
Ich Stell mir die Frage wie lange Cannabis in Urin/Blut tatsächlich nachgewiesen werden kann
ich weis das bei regelmäßigen Konsum die Zeitspanne extrem lang ist
aber was wäre bei einmaligen Konsum ein joint
wie lange dürfte ich kein Auto fahren ?
The German Hemp Association (DHV) recommends not to participate in public transport for three to four days in the case of single or very rare cannabis use.
Google parallel to this: “Cannabis Detection Period”
6 weeks
A joint 3-4 days
Okay, thanks
but is this also related to blood or only urine?
There is the active fabric
It is reduced within 20-30 minutes, no matter how high the consumption before was to a very low level. Then stay there equally high for a longer time 2-3 hours.
The remainder degrading materials are long detectable in blood, sweat and urine.