Cannabis Haltbarkeit?
Wie lange wäre Cannabis haltbar?
in joints und in baggys?
Frage ist natürlich nur theoretisch
Wie lange wäre Cannabis haltbar?
in joints und in baggys?
Frage ist natürlich nur theoretisch
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Es ist für mich total schwer geworden im echten Leben Leuten unter 27j zu begegnen und gefühlt kann man in der Altersklasse nur noch Leute von irgendwo aus Deutschland in mmos kennenlernen. Auf der Arbeit bin ich mit 24j der jüngste und es geht dann direkt weiter mit 35j, bei meinen Hobbys und gym ist…
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Schädigt es den Darm und den Stoffwechsel?
-wie schon im Titel steht, bitte antworten. Danke 🙂
Was raucht ihr so? Gerne mit Begründung und alter bzw wann ihr angefangen habt zu rauchen?
Years, months. The cannabinoids – that is what makes you high – are extremely slow under the exclusion of light and air.
Pupstrockene grass or equally dry joints are regained to the optimal residual moisture of 10% if you do it/she overnight together with half a slice of bread in a closed plastic door.
The answer is of course not theoretical.
VERY long but it does not taste so fresh after a time
If you pack it pure in theory airtight forever I’ve heard you make this without vacuum pump best simply in several bags that have such a closure or in a one-piece glass with rubber seal.
And if you have finished joints in theory and only kept in a cigarette box?
Can’t say exactly but would appreciate so around 1-2 months
Thank you
In no case even if it is mixed with tobacco in it (which dries very quickly and still pulls the stuff dry) you will not notice a difference even after a week and from there it will be nicely dry but effect is still there
But after 1-3 days should actually happen garnix, right?
Dryer it becomes natural and after time the effect will become weaker but in the neck it should not actually burn significantly more than it does anyway if you are used to it is of the eh relatively
Without disadvantages? I heard this should get dry and then burn in the throat or something