Cannabis, geht ihr noch zu eurem Dealer?
Frage steht im Titel.
Bezieht ihr euer Cannabis noch vom Dealer, Apotheke oder nur aus dem eigenen Anbau?
Frage steht im Titel.
Bezieht ihr euer Cannabis noch vom Dealer, Apotheke oder nur aus dem eigenen Anbau?
Hallo, ich habe im April 2023 eine Trunkenheitsfahrt mit einem E-Roller gemacht(2,28promille) und musste schon mal meine Führerschein 2019 abgeben wegen einer Fahrt im Auto mit 1,4 Promile. Bin auch wirklich nie wieder Auto gefahren nach der Tat 2019. Nun frage ich mich ob das auch mit 6 Monaten Abstinez möglich wäre. Da viele Vorbereitungsstellen…
Hey, bin regelmäßiger Kiffer und habe keine Psychose dadurch bekommen, heißt das also, dass das Risiko einer Psychose bei LSD Konsum auch geringer ist?
Ich habe ein wichtiges Anliegen, ich hätte gerne eine Meinung von anderen Menschen ob ihr denkt das bier gesund ist?
Ist Richsalz eine droge ?
In May, there was a survey showing almost 30% of respondents that their stuff was mainly from their own cultivation. See:
The survey took place about 6 weeks after the entry into force of the new law. The one since the first. April planted plants were still far away from harvesting. Wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were higher.
Another survey showed that around 7% of adults themselves were cultivated or that at least existed at the time of the survey. We’re talking about a few 5 million people here. This is already a lot of sales that goes away from the black market. See:
Have you bought cannabis seeds for the purpose of private own cultivation since the cannabis-legalization?, results/daily/2024/05/13/d2f5a/2
Since the first, legal plant is dried and cured, I don’t go to the dealer anymore and I don’t have it anymore.
Of course, not every consumer has time, bock, money and skill for cultivation, so it urgently needs legal outlets for adults.
The black market has so far been supported by legalization
I don’t have the impression. My dealer reports 5x a week because he doesn’t get his stuff away.
People who grow are interchanged.
Who knows a grower is trying to get his cannabis in the future.
This is the cannabis black market 2024 in Germany, and I am absolutely fine with it 🤙🏼 only the law provides for a real legalization with sales in specialist stores to get the last consumer away from the black market.
Purely theoretically still from the dealer, but will theoretically take care of a private recipe soon
should be possible now without real illness
Would also grow, but I am a fucking gardener from that, unfortunately, there would be nothing satisfactory out
ciffs of course not at all and all I wrote is thought out 😉
Own cultivation, I know how the grass has grown, what happened with it, and in contrast to medical cannabis, the processing of the harvest is not geared to cost-effective production and 100% germ freedom, but alone obliges to taste.
Who answers to the question whether he still goes to a dealer, with ‘yes’, accuses himself of a crime.
In the event of a doubt – if, for example, a mobile phone is seized – one has placed a confession that each investigator would believe.
As everyone knows, the anonymization of their own name does not protect against the potentially official verification of the IP address.
Neither, because I myself have never consumed such drugs or got (purchased) at any dealer and for very good reasons.
That’s it.
No, fortunately, I’m not a junkie who wasted his money for a bad dealer
That wasn’t the question.