Cannabis Entzug so heftig?
Ich habe seit 4 Jahren täglich gekifft und seit sonntag bis donnerstag sehr sehr wenig konsumiert und seit donnerstag garnicht mehr. Ich hatte leider in den ersten beiden Tagen einen hohen Puls dieser hat sich mittlerweile wieder beruhigt allerdings ist mit seit 1 woche kotzübel und kann nix essen und hab auch fast nix gegessen. Ist das normal? Was kann ich tun ? Mir bereitet das ein wenig sorgen dass ich solange nix mehr gegessen habe und auch nich essen kann weil mir dann sofort wieder übel wird. Hat jemand vllt tipps ?
It’s normal. It’s time. Stay there. On December 31, 2021, the last time I was knocked and I’m better than ever.
How long did your symptoms last? How much did you get?
I’ve been stealing about 5 years and not a little. It took a while to get rid of the last symtomes. The first weeks and months it was the head that became free again and a very balanced psyche and then the body. Normal feeling of hunger, good sleep, lung volume etc.
I don’t know. It’s been a long time.
And you also had a high pulse and a feeling of rest?
Your nausea doesn’t have to be related to your abstinence of cannabis, especially since you haven’t smoked since Thursday, but you’ve been sick for a week.
Those who do not cope with a sudden abstinence of cannabis should try to gradually reduce their consumption (by plan).
The problem is if I’m getting into it now, so it would be counterproductive with me:/ Especially since I only had strong cannabis at home. I have to get away from it, I’m just a little bit afraid there’s more behind it. I had tried to stop it and it wasn’t that bad.
Cannabis withdrawal is less serious than withdrawal of nicotine (bake) and about as easily to endure as waiver of coffee if you are a coffee drinker.
Some cold is worse than cannabis withdrawal.
Can be normal
Making sports helps extreme, eating well even if there is no hunger, lots of fresh air, something else for evening (e.g. calming tea instead of jibbit)
Since my pulse would go up directly again I really have eaten 10 salt bars 1 toast for 4 days and a little oat flakes.
Why should the pulse go up when you eat? It’s a bad thing when you eat nix, it’s clear
For nausea you can take Iberogast, CBD can also help with withdrawal
♪ When I do sport ♪
Yes, that can actually be the case, has experienced this even in the acquaintance.
Is normal try it sometimes with broth or suppee
against nausea helps swedish bitter, also gives alcohol-free. only a few drops, depending on how strong it is, give into the drink.