Cannabis Entzug?
Hallo, ich habe mit dem regelmäßigen kiffen aufgehört ungefähr eine Woche bin ich nüchtern der Entzug geht auch langsam weg nur möchte ich irgendwann mal wieder einen joint rauchen aber hab Angst das dann direkt wenn ich wieder nüchtern bin wieder Entzugserscheinungen wie schwitzen oder Appetitlosigkeit auftreten ab welchem Zeitpunkt ist es möglich mal zu kiffen ohne wieder direkte Entzugserscheinungen zu bekommen oder ist es garnicht möglich? Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus für die Antworten 🙏🏼
Classical and more or less ‘heavy’ withdrawal symptoms cause alcohol, opiates, opioids and benzodiazepines.
Cannabis only causes symptoms that do not weigh more severely than with abstinence of previously permanent consumption of coffee or tea.
Try to stay abstinent for three, four weeks and then make a plan on how to buff on a maximum of two days a week.
Can’t be, he sent me google left because he has such hard physical withdrawal symptoms (respect for irony….)
You don’t get any physical withdrawal symptoms.
If you get such strong psychological symptoms, you should avoid all addictions in the future
These are physical and not psychological symptoms and it is completely normal after years to smoke bong daily and that was not the question
Isn’t it and if you don’t even get this – go on
But he has such a hard withdrawal XD
Have you ever noticed that the page refers to you, under the title “Cannabis withdrawal symptoms”, uses a photo that shows spraying and white powder?
What does that tell us?
It is a prohibitionist side (cannabis banes-professional side) that should act as strongly as possible and therefore also selects exaggerations for the means of their anti-drug work.
Can’t just be on Zanpaste withdrawal straight,weekly%20or%20Monate%20
Here you can press the link then you see that you talk garbage
I’ve been through the appearances, haven’t you? And just think about psychic symptoms have nothing to do with sweating or loss of appetite once on Google, then you have also answered that all not my question so think the next time before you write
Can’t be, because cannabis is harmless and doesn’t addict.
Gives people who are standing on winds and socks and can no longer be
Who told you that it is known that long-term daily cannabis consumption brings many withdrawal symptoms
I’m sorry to answer this
Sweat and cravings also occur when a person overweight with 120 kilograms runs a fast round in the sports stadium after three diners ‘with everything/all but sharp’).