Cannabis CBD?
Ist das Ein starker würg Stoff oder nicht ?
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Mein damalige Freund hat Promethazin Tabletten zerkleinert und in Cola reingetan und hat es getrunken.Und meinte das wäre ähnlich wie Lean.Ist das ein Droge?Weil ich bekomme von mein Ärztin 🤫
Mit Magen Infektion kiffen (bin fast wieder gesund)
Hey, ich habe eine Frage zum Benzo Entzug. Ist es möglich ohne Risiken einen kalten Benzo Entzug zu machen. Konsumiert wurde ca. 3 Monate nicht durchgängig. Dosierungen waren sehr hoch und wenn ich hoch sage meine ich das auch so. Lorazepam und Alprazolam. Und was kann man tun um schlimme Symptome zu vermeiden oder gar…
As almost everyone knows the answer again without knowing…
Yes, cannabidiol (CBD) is a medically recognized active substance whose efficacy has been demonstrated in certain areas by scientific studies. CBD is a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has psychoactive effects.
Medical recognition: CBD is recognized primarily in the treatment of certain diseases, including:
1. Epilepsy: In particular, the drug Epidiolex was approved by the U.S. FDA and the European EMA for the treatment of rare forms of epilepsy (such as the Dravet and Lennox gas toll syndrome). In these cases, the efficacy of CBD in clinical trials was clearly demonstrated.
Two. Pain therapy: CBD is also used in pain therapy, especially in chronic pain, inflammation and neuropathic pain. Research in this area is still ongoing, but there are indications that CBD has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect.
3. Fear and sleep disorders: CBD is also often used as a potential remedy for anxiety and sleep disorders. There are studies that indicate that CBD could have anxious and soothing properties, although more research is needed to draw a definitive conclusion.
Although CBD is medically recognized in many areas, there are also many areas where research has not yet been completed. It is important that CBD is applied in consultation with a doctor, especially if it is used together with other medicines.
CBD as a consumable is largely effective; as a means for medical use, it has a useful effect only in certain diseases.
From CBD alone I feel absolutely nothing at all.
Hello, Serabusaa!
I’ve been using CBD oil for a long time I’ve had good experiences on your question.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is an active ingredient contained in the hemp plant (cannabis sativa). It is one of over 100 cannabinoids that occur in this plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD has no psychoactive properties.
I hope I could quiet your desires greet Anougah
P.s. If you want to know more, you can write me
He doesn’t want to know anymore, he already knows everything
is it? Eggs
There are many questions here that simply have lost nothing. Many people just don’t check this out.
Oh, yes, here are all professors
And more dummies.
No, it’s not even scientifically proven that CBD has any effect at all.
Alone hardly, but in conjunction with THC, the trip can be more active (haze) or rather soothing (kush), depending on the cbd thc ratio. I only feel a small difference between the varieties, but he’s here.
Alone cbd for itself… no
But how the varieties work has nothing to do with the name or whether it is indica or sativa.
Cbd shouldn’t give you a tip
You’re wrong. Please inform yourself. I’m saving the discusion here.
He also helps me very well, better than tablets. With me, it’s just the circulatory and nausea, but I’d work together.
Other people help it against fears, tension and it strengthens anti psychotic -habe 2 schizophrene to know that well.
But if you have nothing and take cbd, nothing happens to a light relaxation.
#placebo effect
I didn’t mean that.
No, because cbd doesn’t need thc to work. Meanwhile there are also cbd with 0% thc
Yes, but the THC/CBD ratio has nothing to do with whether it is indica or sativa.
No of cbd, this active ingredient have both indica and sativa
It’s just placebo you’re right
The different effects are likely to come from the terpenes.
Not with the name, but with the genetics (Sativa Indica) of course! If not, please inform me and call sources
Nö, in most cases this is not an active ingredient but only a placebo.
99.9% of the effects are not detectable.
There is no active substance in it, also called placebo
The active ingredient is CBD.
👍, such a conversation brings here unfortunately nix