Cancel flight Condor
Good afternoon,
some time ago I booked a flight from Frankfurt am Main – Montego Bay for 3 weeks, which cost me €960!
However, as I am now unemployed, there is no way I can take this flight.
I have no cancellation insurance!
How does this work with Condor? I can’t find a solution on the Internet, and this money is more than important to me right now…
Thank you
Here you can get tips and help: In any case, you should not be satisfied with a rejection by the airline. This is the most common reaction of airlines.
Call Condor directly.;jsessionid=CF27F87EC793A1E3D17DF8DD88C74AD5.content01
What did Condor refund you? Only taxes and fees? I read now that you can get the rest back. And all this is 3 years of rueckacting.
I’d try it right at Condor and hope for cunning. I’ll push the thumbs!
No one here knows what fare you have booked, that only you and Condor know, so you should ask there and not here. With the Flex Relax tariff you can cancel, but it costs what.
You won’t get the full flight price back……
Contact us with condor:D
Please contact Condor directly and ask for…
I have focused more on the content than on my grammar….
Some people can both, for example my 9-year-old niece…
That’s right, it’s all right. You understand the question, right? Holiday booked, unemployed and probably lost around 1000€. But don’t worry, the grammar is true. You can really just shake your head…