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13 years ago

Several Pitdogs or Dogo Argentinos (I understand this under martial dogs) would certainly attack a queue that crawls over the court, and they would also disassemble it. A dog alone would be in danger, he would have to bite the skull immediately & skillfully, he has no experience in this respect he will not collect any more…

13 years ago

When I read your question, I had to ask myself what makes the question a sense. “Do dogs who are on race lists, or anger snakes are shown as particularly heroic and martial?”

Then the people fell in the late Middle Ages. They all went together when there were executions or fixed bears had to attack 10 dogs to defend their lives. Or the people in Rome of Antiquity. Whole stadiums were filled with people when people had to fight predators in the arena…

So it is good to you to enlightenment (so also the time after the Middle Ages, the time of sciences is called) to say something to your question:

No dog just attacks such a snake. No bigger ones.

This has something to do with the instincts of the dog – if they are still present and believe me despite all inbreeding, you have to marvel at what has remained instincts in the dog!

As often as I had to meet with dogs during hiking, no matter what country, the really happy coincidence had to meet a snake, the dogs – just left a Mungo. The dog does not run away, a snake does not consider a potential prey animal, e.g. a rabbit, or mouse – although the snake usually takes the flight quite quickly.

It doesn’t matter if it was a magnificent aesculapnatter, a ringing atter or even a cross-otter.

The reason that dogs instinctively avoid a snake is probably in the innate instinct that snakes could be poisonous to seek.
There is enough a bite – and such unequal pupils would have been finished to unfavorably both animal species.

This instinct has many animal species, sheep, horses, dogs and monkeys and their relatives.

In South America where Phytons and Anaconda occur naturally, besides all sorts of snakes working with poison as a Jaeger – every dog of medium to normal size should be lost to encounter a medium-sized hurdle or a glitter-small poison snake – corresponding poisoning of her serum.

Even there dogs live only as long as they know to deal with snakes carefully.

13 years ago
Reply to  YarlungTsangpo

First time in yarlung…

  1. If this question doesn’t make any sense, you don’t need to write a novel below.

  2. Who says that this question means that the questioner likes to see something like that when animals or people hurt each other?

And now my answer to the question:

I’ve seen something very interesting, and the dog just jumps on the snake and remains standing. It will usually not come to such a fight, and if, then becomes true. the victorious who reacts faster.

13 years ago
Reply to  mariamselim

Thank you for confirming that I have described ;o))))

But to write an answer to the question, you can use the function “Resolution this question”.

10 years ago

It’s been a long time ago, but I’m curious if 1 Pitbull could win a fight against a 3 meter long Boa constrictor. Or 3 Pitbull against a 9 metre long 150 kilos Eunectes.You can think of it yourself. (have yourself a reticulatus and a Eunectes) both get lambs Only as Ne ben informs XD

13 years ago

I would cough to my dog if he were to intercede at the terrarium and then I’d wonder how he got the sliding doors.

Yes they could, as Pythons are “just sausages” and if he caught them in an unfavourable moment (breeding, egg deposit, etc.) he would even have good chances to get away without injuries.

13 years ago
Reply to  AnneMasb

What kind of python would he find? The German-Bratwurst-Python?

13 years ago

First time, what do you mean with fighting dogs?

In the end, it will always come to the size ratio. Snakes are very strong and in case of doubt the dog will pull the shorts I think…

13 years ago
Reply to  AnneMasb

My heart always makes a blow when I read the word “fight dog”. So you mean an aggressive dog without any biting?

However, your question may not be answered in a flat-rate manner, depending on the individual case…

13 years ago

Here you can see a typical Japanese battle event as it still takes place today, so many spectators can participate…
Do you have the feeling that this is a disciplined, unbleeding confrontation…?

Sometimes I have the feeling of exposition lovers want to believe these bullshit stories because they feel better…

13 years ago

In Japan, dog fights are still carried out according to old rules, and the breed of choice is the Tosa Inu, a heavy dog-like dog. In contrast to the previous dog fights in England, Japan is highly disciplined. The dogs have to throw their opponents to the ground in ringer style. ….

…….Intensive training is necessary for the fights, because the dogs must use their full strength and skill, but keep their aggression under control.

This is from A to Z erlogen, a story invented by exhibition breeders to better market these dogs here.

How can anyone take such nonsens stories so easily? Tosa Inus fight exactly as all other dogs also, with the teeth, leg handles are put on as well as neck or chest handles. The handles are shaken, of course these dogs wrestle, with the same means as piracy or Argentine doggies, or other dogs too.

It is also not more disciplined, perhaps more slower due to body mass.

Man can’t get a dog to ring like a man without aggressiveness.

13 years ago

Only a few breeding lines of the former martial dogs are still used for illegal sports. In Germany, breeding and training of aggressive dogs is prohibited by law.

Source for quote above

13 years ago

Maybe you should (or Ralosavib ) let’s explain what a client you mean…

13 years ago

by the way, the client who was interested in these fighting dogs quickly lost interest as …

@ How Did you not see any evaluation of the BVET in Switzerland?

Most of all, these clientele are interested in these breeds of dogs – which have been advertised as described by me above – this ensures constant young people suffering from these dogs.

13 years ago
Wenn du dich weder mit zuchtbedingter Selektion noch mit Genetik auskennst 

No, I have no plan. You’re the only “trained” here. Rye

13 years ago

I am aware that this human friendliness is also genetically anchored, human-aggressive dogs have not been taken to breeding, such a selection creates a human-friendly dog.
If you don’t have to know yourself with confessional selection or genetics, you don’t have to crow around here…

…..the clientele interested in these martial dogs quickly lost interest as it turned out how extremely human friendly these dogs are.

I wrote that, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

13 years ago

@ ralosaviv DH

13 years ago
Übrigens, das Klientel welches sich für diese Kampfhunde interessiert hat verlor schnell das Interesse als sich herausstellte wie extrem Menschenfreundlich diese Hunde sind

You’re just gonna prove how smart you’re informed!

So-called fighting dogs had to be absolutely human-friendly!!!.

They had to grab themselves from their master in the midst of the hottest battle, and let them get out of the pit without biting themselves

And all the other Peasant substance You better not say anything. There are always consultancy-resistant…… stay with your conviction, but do not try to make this spiritual waste plausible to other people.

13 years ago

The breeds mentioned by you have a history of race – before they were explained in the 1980s – for better demand in special population groups – to “fighting dogs”.

Exactly, and within this year’s long race history these Fightdogs over the dogswar selected. The final product is the APBT, a dog capable of subduing even much larger and physically stronger dogs due to its type of selection, a martial dog.
By the way, the client who was interested in these martial dogs quickly lost interest as it turned out how extremely human-friendly these dogs are.

Without supervision, a Pitbull bitch would have been enough to send the shepherd dog over the rainbow bridge, not because she is more evil, but because she can fight better and more relentless…. just a fighting dog.

13 years ago

Such a “fight” Shepherd ( Ruede unsocial) against two American Pit- Bulldog – Huendinnen was “separated” with our help in front of our front door.

The heavier injuries had the females called “fight dogs”.
All three lived on and the difficulty was only the hard-to-wearing bitches – which no longer solved their grip to let go.

It was even more difficult to secure the damaged shepherd, so that not even humans had to fear injuries.

The breeds mentioned by you have a history of race – before they were explained in the 1980s – for better demand in special population groups – to “fighting dogs”.

Many of what dog breeds have to suffer today is to be attributed to their “application”.

13 years ago

So you mean an aggressive dog without any biting?

This has nothing to do with fighting dog. An aggressive, unsocialized shepherd without any bite inhibition loses against a friendly pitbull, because the pitbull is a martial dog that is more skillful and above all more intransigent due to the genetic mass of its specially selected ancestors.

This widespread opinion, there are no martial dogs, dogs are made to martial dogs, is just as wrong as , there are no hounds, dogs are made to hounds, …

13 years ago

To satisfy your curiosity, published in the book Bullmastiffs -Today – at Kynos Verlag, such a fight is described. This happened in India and is proven true. Ging through the press there, of course only because such an event of the kind rarely occurs.

13 years ago
Reply to  Fenir

Now yes and that is the eminent difference – such “Kaempfe” were described only in books of the 1980s and early 1990s – as an entire dog group of authors have been explained to “Kampfhunden” and have also been heroized…

If a dingoma in the Australian bush (Australia of the Continent with the most poisonous snakes in the world) defends her puppies against a poisonous snake – writes no newspaper about it and no author will ever mention it in a book:

Dingos can’t be sold – unlike all kinds of breed dogs

13 years ago
Reply to  YarlungTsangpo

Did you read this book? I find no place in which the bullmastiff is heroized, on the contrary, it is clearly described for what purpose those dogs were bred. You will also find very clear statements that the bull mastiifs, as a companion of the wild haters, were not allowed to use the bite in the prescribed tests and were immediately disqualified.
There was no fighting, but a guard and companion dog was created.
And the said “fight” was not organized, he wore himself, and it was so important that India was still firmly in British hands at the time of the event, the press felt this worth mentioning.
If this had been written down so for prestige reasons to bring the race better to the man, then I ask you what is intended by the Landsser by repeatedly referring to the history of this race that Botswain threw his own gentlemen into the sea? Do you want to express how unpredictable and dangerous this race can be? Or do you just describe a historical fact?

13 years ago
Reply to  YarlungTsangpo

Now yes and that is the eminent difference – such “Kaempfe” were described only in books of the 1980s and early 1990s – as an entire dog group of authors declared “Kampfhunden” and have also been heroized.

These stories have been taken over from much older literature, heroizing is less, especially just about facts.
Pitbullterier are still used in Russia for bears, pigs & wolf hunts because they are simply well suited due to rapid reaction, fastness, drive & endurance.
A martial dog is nothing negative and you can’t appoint a martial dog, it’s genetic.

13 years ago

….here you have the descendants of your Assyrian doggies, also live in the area…

13 years ago

Suport, only read & when deleted I would like to have a feedback on why this happens.

I cannot see why here due to individuals who do not fit my answers, groundless, arbitrary posts are deleted.


Of course, you can let every dog fight, but the pitbulderrier was selected for the fight over a very long period.
You can also run any other dog against Greyhounds, which is why the Greyhound remains faster due to its selection.

In this sense, the Pitbull is a selected fighting dog and the Greyhound is a selected racing dog.

Run and fight other dogs doesn’t change anything.

…..and just so on the edge, I don’t have the fighting dog among my expert topics because my knowledge horizon is limited to Google & Youtube, which is also not the meaning of GF.

13 years ago

In all this, it is not possible to hide that the purpose of use for a fight in the pit, against dog could only be achieved under an anti-animal attitude and an equal training…

Ergo is not born to the dog – for such purposes you can abuse every dog. Look at Youtube videos … search term dog, dog breeds, strongest etc.pp.

13 years ago

Thank you. I guess I have to get out of places in books again – but it’s the same in the basement.

Only at “Molosser-Hunden” there is this “collective narrative” of this kind…

I don’t like seeing the Bullmastiff.

13 years ago

No, I’m referring to Lyn Pratt’s book.

13 years ago

I don’t want to contradict you about your statement, but in this case you still call a hunting dog, you’re going to agree with me?
If a dog was created from the English Bulldog with the crossing of Terriern only for the purpose of the fight in the Pit, then a genetic change in the origin breeds was cultivated at that time, for the purpose of use for the fight, so the product of this breeding was a martial dog.
Not hunted hunting dog remains hunting dog, but not fighting dog is not a fighting dog anymore? Isn’t these names always about the historical background?

You believe that a so-called herd protection dog is not suitable as a companion dog, then as a justification its fundamentally genetically anchored potential will always be mentioned, only if I can change this through environmental and posture conditions, as you write, then I don’t think so. Although it is genetically anchored, it can only be achieved through environmental and posture conditions; Herd protection dog also genetically enshrined, but not influenced by environmental and posture conditions?
This logic is depriving me.

13 years ago

Fenir. You mean the book of Douglas Oliff. Reading it is used in the bookcase and besides some other … Also other authors.

The Bullmastiff was – exactly at the same time in the outgoing 18th century. – to create a “English Service Dog” for the police service. Similar to the “service dog foods” on the continent.

Only: Kaempfe with snakes and all sorts of others – that was not worth mentioning with other “service dog foods” … Above all, however, it was not reproduced until the 20th century and further told, held in books …

The reason for such narratives with regard to races is that Theories of the ancient cynology, which at the time were strongly controversial with real scientists – from the struggle of some dogs originating on the island – for precisely these breeds from 1800 “were “competent” in the 1980s.

Who then makes the effort to search and study the sources of theories – which are still written against better knowledge than still and used for application. The one will find that there are no matches in sources for the “origin of all these theories” of martial dogs.

Just a single relief… Otherwise nothing …and this came from an ancient high culture … Far, far away from the European mainland and European islands…

The relief shows large, bully dogs with a few wrinkles in the face, unabated slowly, led by people …

Even at the time of ancient Rome such dogs must have disappeared…for Roman images no longer know this kind of dogs…There are eminent many Roman statuettes and Fulkrums, reliefs of great dogs, which are described as the dogs from Molossus – from preserved Roman historians…

The interested person can look at this personally in all kinds of museums…

No “Assyrian doggies” underneath… extincts!

13 years ago

🙂 , is good… 😉

So, only if the aggression is also triggered by certain reize, the dog becomes dangerous and for this, among other things, the irritation threshold of the dog is responsible. the higher the irritation threshold of a dog is the less likely its aggression is triggered. really dangerous is a dog if it has a high aggressive potential at the same time with a low irritation threshold. Both the aggression and the irritation threshold of a dog are “principal” genetically anchored, but are changed by environmental and conservation conditions.

13 years ago

…….just like a hound of his breeding genetics is after a hound. That hurts your head may be because you are overwhelmed by such knowledge, cheese is what you give from you here.

13 years ago

OMG, what you’re giving for you — it’s almost physically hurt……. a dog is a fighting dog thanks to generosity…. so a cheese….!!!!

13 years ago

instinctive all animals are afraid to suggest. that it comes to such a fight is unthinkable. a dog can kill both the snake and vice versa.

13 years ago

Sure he can…the question is why should he?

13 years ago

the chance stands 50 to 50 because the snake could be more silly than the dog but the dog has a better bite

10 years ago

The fight would be like this: snakes are highly intelligent animals and dogs, well, stupid. The dog would try to bite them but the python would bite evasion and bite him in the neck and then spice to the end. And you can believe me as a terrarian. Conclusion: dog (dumb) + snake (kug) = dinner for the Schlengi 🙂 BB!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Phytons can kill crocodiles. There’ll be a lush martial dog.

13 years ago
Reply to  Tux31

wrong in florida killed a crocodile only a short time ago

13 years ago

Mammals usually grow shorter in the seasoning. Who knows, everything is possible.

13 years ago

no but can squeal fighting dogs.

13 years ago

Why are such questions tolerated by the support and my question “Can planes fly backwards” deleted? 🙁 Was such a pretty question.

13 years ago

The question is too primitive to me and I do not give an answer.

The question of staying here is a mystery to me??

LG game

13 years ago
Reply to  spieli

Jau – is really amazing which questions are accepted while other users are immediately locked completely because they worry the grandma could fall from the tree…;/. Understand the motivations of support….