Cabrio Dach offen gelassen in Waschstraße?


habe mein Dach offen gelassen in der Waschstraße also in so einer wo man aussteigt und das Tor schließt und das Auto erst zugänglich ist wenn die Wäsche abgeschlossen ist.
wie gesagt ist mein Auto offen gewesen und alles ist komplette nass !
Ich möchte jetzt den Tankstellen Betreiber anzeigen geht das ?
wie kann es sein das er nicht kontrolliert ob mein Auto zu is

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2 years ago

That was your mistake? You can’t tell anyone about ads.

You could tell the operator if he committed a crime. But there is no mistake from him. Not even if he had driven the car into the washing street and accidentally wouldn’t have closed the roof. Or if he definitely had to see it’s still open before he starts the wash program. Then you would only have a civil liability claim as he acted negligently.

Damage to property is only in case of an intent.

but since you probably drove the car yourself (is at least as usual) that is your fault for the nobody else. It is also natural to make the roof. Therefore, control is not necessary.

2 years ago

I’m sure you show him. It can’t be that the laundry starts when the roof is still open. Something can’t happen at all. He must give you a month’s turnover as a compensation.

Be careful not to show you. You always didn’t pay for the internal cleaning, did you?

2 years ago

Yeah, show him.

Then he can laugh about your stupidity.

2 years ago

make the police laugh

2 years ago

so the mistake lies entirely with you – your damage

2 years ago

What can the operator do if you don’t make your roof? 🤣

2 years ago

Hope for you to be a joke question.

2 years ago

There’s no indication of stupidity.

I think your question, by the way, is a troll question.

2 years ago

You acted grossly negligent, not him.

There’s nothing to show.

2 years ago

Yes, you have to do it! Then they will hopefully declare you incapable of leading a motor vehicle. Then you can never do that again.

2 years ago

You have read the terms for use? What was there?

2 years ago

I’d say it’s my fault.

Like you don’t notice that you’re on your way with an open roof. Creating a Criminal Notice because of your mistake isn’t that smart, so you’d make yourself criminal

2 years ago

That was DEIN mistake. Why should he pay for your fire?!

Why didn’t you press the emergency-off button?

2 years ago

I would like to show the gas station operator this is possible?

and what does the deed call itself?

WER put the car open in the washing machine? who started the plant?? that was you yourself, get your damage

Your car is scrap

2 years ago

You’ve already known over three weeks ago that the roof no longer works properly!

And now you want to make a third party liable for it? Are you serious?

2 years ago

is this his or your fault…Why should you be able to show him for your stupidity hhahahahah