C63 ///AMG Coupé vs Limo?
Servus, wollte mir in Bälde einen w204er C63 kaufen. Gute gebrauchte Limos gibts zwischen 25.000 und 30.000, die Coupé´s fangen bei 36.000 z.B. auf mobile.de an.
Jetzt frage ich mich nur wieso kosten die Coupé´s knapp 10.000 mehr ?
Der Motor/Leistung ist derselbe. Ich verstehe, dass die Limo etwas mehr Gewicht hat und länger ist, aber was macht so einen gewaltigen Unterschied aus ?
Danke für eure Antworten
The limes that are cheaper are older.
From 2007 onwards, the Limo gave the coupé only with the model care from 2011. If you look at both models as model care, you will find more coupés for the money.
Ahhh, that sounds like an answer, thank you.
If you need a purchase advice, ask me.
I had a (Limo BJ 2012 without PP so 457 hp)
you have subscribed
very happy
where could I send a message? Insta vllt ? there is my fabian_mt07
there is no technical reason — is the market. Coupes tend to be better equipped, but at nem C63 I do not expect any savings.
Yes, they are generally well equipped, mostly good equipment/full equipment at Limos is already available from 26-27k, do you think there is a very big difference in performance?
no — C is generally a bit more agile than an E. But also no sports car like a GT.
The limo looks more good and normal. The market does not like that, therefore cheaper.
Okay, thank you very much, yes I eat relatively no matter the optics, the few cm ned find so bad, neither one needs a mega aggresive car, just want the old V8 🙂 that’s why I asked if the limo is more trouble or so and is cheaper than the coupé
Coupes are rare and coveted