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Absolutely the C24 Bank! I spent 40 years at the Sparkasse. The branches are completely overrated. In this long time I was maybe 3x in a branch, which I could have done by email.
A bit safer is probably the savings bank because registration on the desktop is done by Push Tan. Registration and verification is therefore separate.
For this, the clotting at C24 is much faster and more pleasant.
As with any other bank, you are guaranteed at 100,000€.
Look here.
C24 Smart Giro Account
I know the question is older, but perhaps interesting for new readers.
First: there is not the savings bank. Each has other conditions and offers. In addition, of course, you have the question of what services you need.
In my opinion, it does not speak for the savings bank today if you cannot run the account for free (e.g. pupils, apprentices, students). Whether the services justify the fees for you, you have to evaluate yourself – even with regard to the costs incurred for you.
I have separated myself from my savings bank because it would have cost me 10€ a month – the branch and bad advice I did not use and only for them to make money with my money was too much for me.
I didn’t really deal with the C24 bank either.
I would, if I had the choice, open an account with one of the three major known direct banks – DKB, ING or Comdirect. All free for each under 28 or from 700€ cash intake per month.
It has more branches and ATMs.