C# Play-button fehlt. Was tun?

Hallo, ich mache gerade dieses C# tutorial https://youtu.be/c0LcwXKWiXw?si=PJIO8RaT_xFjV-xw und bin bei Minute 17:30. Da hat er das projekt ganz normal gestartet, allerdings bei mir steht bei diesem play-button nur “Anfügen…” und wenn ich da drauf drücke, wird das peojekt nicht gestartet sondern irgend so ein anderes fenster wird geöffnet

Was muss ich tun um das Projekt zu starten?

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1 year ago

You started a wrong project. You started a library project. What do you mean? Your project is just a DLL and cannot be started without EXE.

Start again. Usually you can easily copy the code. This time, however, make sure you start the right project.

1 year ago

You didn’t create a project, just a project folder. In Solution Explorer (right box), right-click your project folder and add a console project via the context menu. Your program code then belongs to the Program.cs within the created project.

And lastly an explanation Attach-Button: With the Visual Studio Debugger you can depend on running processes. As there is no start project in your project folder, this option will be displayed by default.

1 year ago

Don’t click on Add, but on the green arrow itself. Otherwise there seems to be a small submenu (white arrow down), there are probably other options.