C++ lernen für UE5?
Hallo ich lerne grade C und C++ damit ich nachher auch in UE5 arbeiten kann.Allerdings frage ich mich ob sich das C++ in der UE nicht zu sehr von dem normalen C++ unterscheidet also das Funktionen und Befehle nicht anders sind.Meine Frage an euch muss man C++ können um in UE5 zu arbeiten oder ist das C++ in UE5 so zu sagen eine eigene Programmiersprache?
The C++ what is used in the Unreal Engine is naturally quite normal C++
Ok but the commands are changed because I once worked with unity and C# and there were many not commanding as I learned them
Unity is also normal C#. But Unity is very bad in many asspects can be that which have made something weird but UE is quite normal c++
naja unity is more than funny 😀
Okay, thanks then I’m calmed and the unity is weird I know that’s why I prefer to change to UE5