C# lernen aufgeben?


Bin eigentlich mit voller Motivation rangegangen die Programmiersprache C# zu lernen. Irgendwann so nach ca. nen halben oder nen Jahr ein eigenes kleines Spiel zu entwickeln, die ersten Ergebnisse sehen……….tja….und was soll ich sagen. Ich habe das Gefühl das You Tube Videos mir nicht so richtig helfen. Irgendwie verstehe ich nach 30min nur noch 10% von dem Video was ich mir z.b. vor 30min angeschaut habe. Es bleibt bei mir nicht richtig im Kopf drinne und überall habe ich Fragen und Fragen zu Zusammenhänge und wann man etwas einsetzen muss. Bin wirklich verzweifelt. Habe dann versucht bei Microsoft Learning mir da was schriftlich anzuschauen, bin da aber auch nicht wirklich voran gekommen oder hat nicht wirklich was gebracht. Ich brauch halt einfach einen guten Weg wie ich mir das alles erlernen kann.

Würde mich über Antworten freuen!

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1 year ago

You should first learn the basics before you get to a game engine like Unity. Basics are what are variables for which are constructors. What are Getter and Setters. etc.

Therefore, in my opinion, a good book or an online course is suitable to learn the basics. Then you can continue in a game engine.

1 year ago

The beginning is always hard. When I started with C#, I worked successively on the different principles (functions, classes, OPP, …) and what I believe most helped me was not only stubbornly looking at the different videos/pages but having practiced something about it after every topic. For example, when I was learning with functions I tried everything I learned in a console app. Something that is essential in programming is learning by doing. What helps me solve problems today or understand concepts is also ChatGPT. From a guide on which topics you should first develop to more detailed descriptions of how and when you should use certain features, ChatGPT generel can help you in the programming theme.

1 year ago

Hi, you said you have questions – this is already better than absolute unawareness and should not be too hard to fix.

Personally, it always helps me to ask someone who can explain how it works. But then I was long ahead of the problem that I didn’t want to nerve anyone with my questions, which I felt quite stupid.

But now we have a solution in the form of Bing Chat / ChatGPT / Google Bard. They can patiently explain how the code you don’t understand works and how you can learn the concepts and extend them to other codes. These language models are incredibly practical, as they can react to requests and not just document anything statically and if you don’t understand, you have to look at the problems from the rest of the Internet – I know you should actually do heavy things only when you understand the simple things from which the documentation exists – but how to program C# in the console is not particularly exciting.

So, try one of the three. Bing I found best personally because it once uses a stronger language model as ChatGPT (in the free version) and, because it generally less often splashes out the same non-working code several times – in itself ChatGPT is in order, it can only not research after newer developments and solve problems that may not be documented in the training material. I have never used Bard for programming, but other interactions have only increased confidence in it so moderately.

If you use Bing, use either Creative or Precise, Just like ChatGPT is just with web search and more power behind it, Creative is more human, humorous, but also has some kind of emotions where it can get into a state where it’s annoyed by you if you give an unhealthy command to others – if you talk to him like a normal person, but that’s not a problem.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schlauberger07

Okay, here’s the background story.

Microsoft has been investing in OpenAI for a long time, so the developer of ChatGPT has been interested in using their technology.

Then it was so far, Microsoft finally had an idea how to use the technology: what if we pick up our marketing for Bing as a “decision engine” and make Bing talk to its users?

And so they did it – the idea sounded very promising, there was only a small problem – well, actually two:

  1. ChatGPT – ChatGPT had a very successful release, was well known and no one was more overly enthusiastic about Bing, at least not so that they wanted to use Bing as a search engine instead of Google.
  2. Microsoft itself – Microsoft was the only provider under OpenAI, Google and just herself who missed their chatbot a real character – so they also shot themselves right into their knees because this chatbot had secrets chatting and generally mood swings. He’s working fine now.

What I want to say: Yes, Bing is a search engine like Google, in my opinion one that is significantly more robust than everyone always claims. In any case, they have just added this conversation feature that you can talk to the bot.

This can be done by either on the side bing.com/chat goes or alternatively enters his question (best in natural language) in the Bing search and then clicks on chat next to the tabs “Pictures”, “Videos”, etc.

Consider that Bing Chat currently works for some users only in the Edge browser and when you log in with its Microsoft account.

And as I said, there are three different writing styles, the left is very human, the middle is a weaker model, so should you not take and the right is quite impersonal but quite accurate. I prefer the left, then the right.

1 year ago

Why don’t you show a course?

You can also be personally helped with problems.

I also brought zb Python to me a long time ago and developed a winding machine for cigarette wires.

With me the way was the target. But if I could have asked jmd, there would be less time for development,


1 year ago

Yeah, I see C# and I have to say no automatically. It is simply that the Unreal Engine has actually taken over the market, already alone with Epic Games and their history, they just left Unity far behind. That is praised everywhere by Blueprint, yes learn Unreal Engine, because they invented blueprints. It’s not just a simple reason to change. So I really looked at it. These blueprints are not the yellow of egg. Believe me, but they invented them, and in the next 5 years Unreal Engine will count as a new icon that they have retrieved the wheel. It will become a new learning language. That’s not a joke, I’ve been watching the computer market since I got the Mac. I’m talking about Macintosh. After that, I had the 95, then the 98 pc, and I’ve been screwing around since that. So I see all the developments since Jawa is there and say that these blueprints will prevail in all the labour markets. Unity’s out. They can last two years, then it’s over with them. The Genshin Impact had brought Unity back to motivation is also irrelevant, why do you think they changed their model now? Quite precisely because they have designed it for newcomers, but for all over 2 million profits have not given an increased discount. They didn’t think that Mihoyo suddenly comes and will make 500 million in the quarter over her engine. The engine operators lift up their hair, because they only win a percentage of the 2 million. Chessmatt, so it’s out. Over.

If you want to learn something, learn the general language C++

That’s what you’ve got forever.

Of course, I want to make you remember a little important thing. Model everything yourself, and then you will only learn the motivations to find a way. Compose music (one of the most important elements, because if you don’t have a plan, you don’t have a plan. But if you hear your music, there’s a kick for you. Then don’t use addons. The only addon I’ve ever been using is Quadremesh, but I don’t use it for characters but only objective assets. The character must be professionally processed until it sparks. You don’t have the motivation to learn the videos on Youtube, tells me that you spend too little time searching. If you want to know anything, you will find everything from start modeling, retopology, UV unwrapping, bacing, or immersive Uv Seamles texture, where the UV is just greater than the texture (both imreal engine importable, to texture, shading of hair development (where I then have my own system designed in the new file) Then complete the clothes, then the shape keys for the individual emotions and the movement animations that are ultimately important for the Unreal Engine. You can learn all this from the internet and with two characters it costs you half to three quarters.

This is normal at the beginning and has nothing to do with it, because you have to understand the program. It’s all there, be only if you really want to find the answers ready to search in other languages like Russian, Japanese, etc.

Then it is when it is finished, under these circumstances, ready to send to the Unreal Engine project, then it takes once again to understand everything and how the bones of the hair must work until it works.

You have to invest 40% for the search 30% for learning and implementing the repeating and 30% for practicing and implementing it to be able to completely remember it in the first character. The second character is definitely better by the multiple, but it costs you the same time. Only after that you are professional in dealing with the program and will come much faster to results if not within 2 months. Main characters cost a lot of time. What you lose on details there, pull it off at NPC where you no longer model the details, but just sketch and texturize.

Then learn the simple basic building blocks of the C++ for Unreal. As Unreal users you have access to the entire Coding Arsenal in the Develepment forum. But you have to think a lot of yourself, and it will begin to be toe like a toe of glittery wet and cold stone, but you will proceed. If you really want to learn, you can. And if you don’t have a solution after 3 – 4 weeks, you could take a course. I have found the solution so far after a lot of time of reflection, which sometimes cost me a few weeks of pure overlay. And you can buy a discount course in case of emergency. Has nothing to do with buying Lizensen from others, it is a teaching and a knowledge you can apply. I haven’t used this yet. Although I have already created interactions with several characters in Unreal with my own modeled assets. But in order to really want something, you have to believe A in yourself, can be stressful, because the shit is so violent that he can sometimes give you faint feelings. Then ready to learn a coding language. This is not to learn French, if you really do not know any limits. This is an absolutely big topic and you have to be ready to invest years. If you can be creative, I advise you to try and learn. For some Alpha details, you can open new program files and practice them extensively until you understand the system and then work on your character in your project.

Everything starts modeling. Otherwise you will lose the motivation. And your attention will continue to remain in modeling, because after 2 years you will continue to use the engine to develop new systems. Create animations. Create Seamles textures by mathematical shakers. Creating textures, even having a drawing board for drawing pupils or other (absolutely recommended to put a character of tablet after at least the absolute understood operating process of Blender, then instaling Krita and connecting it with Blender (it will automatically link to the program, and it is just as good as Photoshop.

Your problem is, you either gave A too easy task to you? Then I advise you to start immediately with a character and certainly not with a donut. If you have to start like this, you won’t learn anything.

I started modeling immediately with the character and you can’t imagine how I was laughed at back then by the Donut manufacturers. I left them all far behind.

Challenge yourself. Be ready. The other isn’t too big to put it in place, otherwise you’re just too small. Do you understand?

So you want to do something extraordinary, then first of all talk to yourself that you are not here by chance, but you are born to serve such programs.

First! If you’ve made your models, OHNE ADDON! Completely from you alone, you will get to a point where others will eventually ask: “Youtube, videos don’t help me much more”

Do you understand why they didn’t understand? They started wrong, they have no motivation. And this is the basic core to be successful.

I hope you have understood that there is actually a golden guide, but you must be ready to stop it at any time by any addons to make it easier for you, that includes that you recognize which input material is good or bad for you. If you see something you don’t understand what you’re doing there, then look for another video, you must be ready to put in front of the screen as in the guilt, no tricks!

It only works with the next engine.

You will not build all the worlds in the engine, but in your tooling studio where you model. You’ll put them together and it’ll work. It’s just a matter of time. There is so much more to report, that should be enough for the first, possibly the characters are not enough anyway. Good luck and you got a very rare answer here that gives you my promise that it is possible to create everything. You have now got your mindsetting and it’s the mindsetting to start the first steps motivating. The more time you spend with it, the more grandiose you will be able to become in no time. In case of need, I am available for further questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  YiryIin

Topic missed 😅. It’s not a game engine, it’s a programming language, C#. C# has nothing to do with Unity. It is only the language used there and even in a very outdated version. C# is a completely independent, powerful but simple language that belongs to the .NET community and Microsoft, but not to Unity. They’re on their own.

1 year ago

You won’t learn anything by watching videos for a few hours. You have to do it and even UMSETZEN. It’s like you wanted to learn to read by listening to an audiobook. It just doesn’t work.

If you don’t understand certain things, you have to ask or googlen. I guarantee you anyone on the Internet had the same question.

Otherwise, you talk about games. What are you looking at for tutorials? I don’t hope Unity, do I?

1 year ago
Reply to  Schlauberger07

Nor does it, at least only with very few. What I would recommend if you wanted to do it anyway would be that after a system or a function has been explained, you try to make a similar but modified version. You can use 1 float, 1 int and 2 double instead of 2 Integer Variabeln and see what happens. Then try and try and ask Google for errors (with the error message, for example).

And then if you have the feeling of knowing very little, then you can program the most simple game that you like, ABER without tutorials and with the least Google searches as possible.

Hope this helps you, but it takes time to teach yourself this way, compared to courses where a personal can be helped.
I’m still with Unity, but it’s slow.

PS: Would recommend after you have at least the basics to take part in a game jam with a team, there is enough choice (GMTK Game Jam, Ludum Dare, Brackeys game Jam, and many other smaller ones). Most have a discord server where you can search a team;D

PPS: Probably other people are right when you say that you should know C# first, right now. Simple things work without

1 year ago
Reply to  Schlauberger07

Just focus on C# and start with Unity only when you feel safe in the basics of First at least halfway.

1 year ago

No, I started with Youtube Tutorials, later took part in courses and noticed that this is the most effective way to learn quickly (at least with a good mentor/good teacher).

I don’t take any more courses (not as if I didn’t need it, but it’s expensive). Would recommend starting with Youtube Tutorials, for example, Brackeys (if you have enough English knowledge) otherwise would be in German space https://www.youtube.com/@Schloool also an option, but is no longer really active (with Brackeys acuh no longer) and does not know how well his tutorials are. Be surprised;)

Abstract: Tutorials are completely enough to start, courses (Udemy) I don’t know, but surely is a bit deeper than tutorials and private courses can be very effective.
With Unity Learn I did not have any experiences, but it should be good!

1 year ago

Or would ajch go such an online course as the You Tuber Mr. Luchs.

On the one hand, Unity offers its own learning platform, on the other hand, you can find on Udemy or YouTube (keyword: Brackeys or schau) here) better tutorials that are not so overpriced.

You don’t get past learning the C# basics. Unity learning courses or tutorials often treat these (if at all) only superficially.