Bwl: Kaufmannsarten?


ich gehe zurzeit auf eine höhere Handelsschule um dort mein Fachabi zu machen. Dort habe ich ebenso das Fach BWL. Jedoch verstehe ich da nicht so viel weswegen ich fragen wollte, ob ihr mir helfen könnt. Es wäre sehr nett, weil ich möchte es auch verstehen😅 Danke im Voraus!

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2 years ago

It’s a bit difficult because very extensive. You can best take the HGB to your hands, and read §§ 1-6 again and again.

Task 1

For this, the definition of an industry is first of all necessary. Business is simplified by an independent activity which is not free profession, agriculture or own asset management. Free professions include doctors and lawyers. However, the distinction between free trade and industry can be problematic in many cases.

a )Autohaus is clearly a business.

b) This is a bit difficult to explain. When to buy. In a way, established business operations would be necessary, depending on the overall picture of circumstances, primarily turnover, but also number of employees and difficulty of business transactions. The boundaries are not exactly defined, that is the problem on the matter.
Maybe this one more duchread:

Autohaus Klaus Voglemann is a craftsman, a service company, with a turnover limit of approximately 250,000 euros. With a turnover of 4 million, it is clearly a good idea. Way of establishment necessary.

(c) So that’s a merchant. § 1 para. 2 HGB. It must be entered in the trade register and the name e.k.

Task 2)

a) Industry

b) no in purchasing. Way of business operations necessary

c) Nonsense, the question. She’s not a merchant, no matter what kind.