Butter abgelaufen?
Ich habe zufällig vorhin Butter gegessen, die vor 22 Tagen abgelaufen ist
Die sah noch so gut aus😓
Meinte, es könnte was passieren?
Ich bin in der 18. Schwangerschaftswoche
Ich esse eigentlich nie Honigmelone, deswegen weiß ich nicht ob das normal ist oder Schimmel ist?
So I wouldn’t worry about butter. Even if it was a little bit rancid, it won’t hurt your health.
She wasn’t moldy or totally rancid, you wrote that she looked good.
Butter gets Minimumdate of retention printed. It is usually longer durable. If she looks good and tastes, you can eat them without any doubt.
Can I explain this again? There is Minimumdurability date for many foods. That means that she at least: should be edible until this date.
A so-called consumption date is also printed on some foods (or their packaging). This often affects minced meat or fish. On this date of consumption, you should really keep yourself, especially during pregnancy. This means, for example, “to consume until …”.
In the butter, as I said, I have no great concerns if it still looked normal. Good luck!
So, with butter, there is no real danger. I speak from my own experience as my father made last potato pulp. Since we no longer have normal butter, he meant it well and took herbal butter from Meggle! It tasted great and I didn’t happen. Not even a stomachache. Had forgotten to mention that the butter had expired almost a year in December last year (end of December). All good 👍🏻 and in the worst case it would be done with bit diarrhea and vomiting LG
There’s nothing happening. As long as she tastes good, you can eat her too. I wouldn’t even think about looking at a date on butter. I have my eyes and my nose.
Butter will get rancid. It is not harmful to health even then. She doesn’t taste anymore.
Zero problemo if the butter looked good, smelled and tasted.
It’s just a date of MINDEST.
Ois kloa?
No, if she didn’t smell mad or ransy. All right.
That’s not a problem at all. If they are rancid on the surface, simply cut off the corresponding areas and use the rest.
Butter has a minimum retention date. If she didn’t taste rancid (or looked out), she was fine. And even if not: You might get a maximum stomach pain after that, for the child, it’s not dangerous
We already had butter that was “over” for two months – she was in the fridge.
You would have tasted it if she had been bad.
There’s nothing happening
Always rely on your own senses (odor, taste, appearance)!
MHD is called “at least durable to…” and not “At the moment dead…”
I wouldn’t eat her
no worries there will be nothing
Don’t worry, nothing happened. Not your child either.
The butter ran over 3 weeks, I wouldn’t eat it anymore.
It’s great!