
Also ich habe einen Bußgeldbescheid bekommen, also ich bin jemanden 5/10 von halben Tachowert hinterher gefahren mit 107 km/h und das vor ungefähr zwei Monaten. Habe heute den Brief bekommen und seit dem 12.08. ist meine Probezeit um, der Brief wurde am 29.8 geschickt. Mit was muss ich rechnen? Wohne in Hessen

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2 years ago

It always counts the time of the act

2 years ago

If this is an A violation, appropriate sampling time measures are initiated according to the legal force of the fine decision, the violation you have committed in the trial period. When the “letter” comes is irrelevant, of course it counts the time of action.

If this was your first relevant violation, stop ordering to build seminar will come to you and extend the trial period by 2 years.

2 years ago

I would say that the time of the OWi/Straftat and not the date of the postmark counts.
Punishments are on the Internet.

2 years ago

for the trial period counts the date of the deliktes.

the rest is on the bus money catalogue