Busfahrer hat mich gefragt wo ich hin wollte?
Hallo ich bin gerade im Bus eingestiegen hab mein Deutschland Ticket vorgezeigt und der Busfahrer hat mich gefragt wo ich hin wollte. Ich hab ihn dann gesagt wo ich hin wollte. Der Busfahrer hat nur mich gefragt und dir anderen Fahrgäste nicht.
Meine Frage ist warum hat der Busfahrer nur mich gefragt wo hin ich wollte?
Unfortunately, I do not know the circumstances of the situation.
Maybe it was just out of curiosity…
Maybe he wanted to be nice…
It can be so much.
OK thanks for the hint
We had four fixed bus drivers in our village. Almost all passengers are always in and out of fixed stations. You know these routines at some point. Accordingly, the bus driver was curious when a “foreigner” rose and he asked.
OK many thanks
We had buses with the same line number, which are very short behind the bus stop, but in the destination city take a different route. They probably want to avoid a passenger stressing because he landed on the wrong bus (although the route is rough on the outside on the display).
Or temporary line changes must be best. People in a different bus than usual.
Are we psychic?
was that on the outskirts of D he wanted to know if you might want to go over (wherever) not anywhere in the neighbouring countries to transport companies that drive here? The U22 in Saxony is a Czech operator. The route goes 50% through D 50% through Cz, but the D ticket is valid.
That can have many reasons. Mostly, it’s just curiosity. He always does the same, driving bus is a pretty boring job. This can also be that he just wanted to talk to a person and then the question about the destination is just as good as asking if you think it will rain tonight.
Also possible is that the aid wanted to be ready, Sometimes there are stops where many drive too far. If that had been your goal, the one would have explained what you need to watch out or simply told me in time. And if and who he asks then depends on how he assesses you, so whether he likes you, whether you look like most of the problems or anything else.
Maybe he would have driven you anywhere. Chance missed!
I once went on bus in Hungary and got kicked out:-)) The bus driver did not speak English, I was strange to him, he threw me out of the bus:-)
Evtl just wanted to know if you were in the right bus
Also a good idea.
Can be OK thank you
ask the bus driver, only he knows the reason
Small talk, courtesy, curiosity, helpfulness?
Take a look.
Because he wants to have a coffee with you.
Or because he doesn’t like your nose.
Seriously, how does anyone know this?
No one knows that, but the bus driver has the right to ask, it doesn’t matter how many people he asks.
I didn’t know
Maybe it was just a reflex on the bus driver. Maybe it was in thought to show you a ticket until you showed the German ticket.