Bus überfüllt, Gefahr zu spät zur Schule zu kommen?
Ich muss ca. 3 Busse durchfahren lassen, weil alle überfüllt sind, mit überfüllt meine ich überfüllt, dicht an dicht bis zu den Türen. In den letzten Bus musste ich mich dann reinquetschen, da ich sonst zu spät zur Schule komme und dann macht der Bus wegen mir eine Durchsage, dass der Türbereich freigehalten werden muss, aber ich muss ja mit, was soll ich machen. Dann muss man sich noch enger zusammenquetschen. Was soll ich in so einem Fall machen, wenn ich nicht mehr reinpasse und deswegen zu spät komme?
Teachers say that you come later due to this situation should happen again, next time you take the bike
then you have movement great or
lg mona 😃
If the bus belongs to the official school route, you are therefore also insured by the school, etc., this is not your problem. A delay of the bus or even not to be able to arrive at is exceptional circumstances. If no bus comes or this is not usable, you can stay at home legally. That’s what we were told at school. (Extremely as in a storm/survival/usw)
Depending on how far you have to walk or drive with the bike, unfortunately, I also have to do regularly to get to work instead of using a long bus, always only take a small drive in the direction there.
I need half an hour (45km) to school and take the earliest bus from home. There is no faster connection.
Hello that would be from us almost to Stuttgart, are there no schools nearby?
You know that, with us, the two said buses only come every hour and are usually full, no wonder when the not regularly drive 🥴
This is my regular vocational school (2 days a week), not a block lesson.
ah okay, you got block lessons? that is not in your question
The vocational school has unfortunately fixed my company. (training)
Evtl drive towards the bus in the opposite direction and enter one or two stations earlier.