Bus Ampel umschalten?
Busse können ja in manchen Städten Ampeln “auf Grün schalten”. Dafür soll häufig analoger Funk genutzt werden. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das so einfach ist. Kann man einfach mit einem Amateurfunkgerät für das 2m/70cm Band eine Ampel umschalten?
No… you can’t – but it’s actually so easy.
The receivers of the traffic lights are coded and can only be requested with a correspondingly coded transmitter.
This is not possible with an analog or digital radio device because the appropriate signal coding is missing.
How to hell do you get the dislike idea that analogue radio transmissions
1. To be limited to 70/200?
Two. Not modulated as desired and could therefore also be coded?
Wasn’t my idea, it was reported several times. Of course, I don’t know how much that is modulated. It was only said that it is very susceptible. DTMF tones are not enough…
This is not even DTMF, but only 2 tones for 0 and 1. The digital telegrams were not as complicated as they were printed in ct 1/23. Nix with encryption or something. News (without details)
No, they’re not enough!
No, you can’t control it 😅 Would be too easy….