Burnout in der Schwangerschaft – was tun?
Ich bin in der 33. SSW und habe bis vor drei Wochen 100 % noch Vollzeit gearbeitet, plus Nebenjob, hatte keine Zeit etwas für die Geburt vorzubereiten. Stand immer unter Strom.
Jetzt habe ich zwar Urlaub, aber ich muss noch die ganzen Behördengänge nachholen, habe ständig Arzttermine, muss mich um vieles, das all die Jahre in Arbeit daheim liegen geblieben ist, kümmern.
Eigentlich hätte ich mir erhofft, eine entspannte Schwangerschaft genießen zu können. Allerdings sieht’s so aus, dass der Stress bis zur Geburt nicht weniger wird.
Zudem streite ich in letzter öfter mit meinem Partner, weil ich sehr leicht reizbar bin.
Statt Energie zu schöpfen, fühle ich mich einfach nur noch antriebslos und leer, muss mich oft erschöpft hinlegen und habe nicht das Gefühl viel Energie für die Geburt zu haben. Meine Ärztin meint auch, so wies aussieht, habe ich ein schlimmes Burnout. Hatte ich eigentlich vorm Mutterschutz schon, hab halt immer weitergearbeitet, weil man muss ja funktionieren…
Und jetzt habe ich Angst, dass meinem Baby was fehlt, weil ich die komplette Schwangerschaft im Dauerstress war.
Was kann ich gegen das Burnout tun? Ich muss bis zur Geburt wieder fit sein, sonst wird das glaube ich nichts mehr.
Honestly, if you were in permanent stress all the time, why did you keep working
Your doctor had the chance to pull you out of traffic
And put your partner in the ass, he is now in demand and must finally be awake and put on
He is currently working 80 hours a week, so that he will have the rest of the year in two weeks to support me.
At the moment I don’t want to ask him for help because he comes home extremely exhausted from work every day.
The problem with the professional ban was rather that I was afraid to go to the professional ban, because of the fact that it is already negatively liable to fall out for maternity protection, I didn’t want to spread it further. Companies are just not happy when women get pregnant and get kids…
Wrong, you should remember you and the child that is the most important and not what your boss or others think about
I wish you that you will come to rest and even if your partner works a lot he must support you as far as you can.
This is purely planting and does nothing to the child, but speak first with the doctor
That actually tells me something. I can ask my doctor again, I can take that.
Thank you.
In order to calm down, however, Johanneskraut has to take a few weeks to feel an improvement in well-being
I had already spoken to my doctor, but unfortunately she did not know much advice.
She just said she never had a pregnant woman with Burnout. 😅
Talk to your doctor, but I think the possibilities are very limited, medicines would be good for you now, but because of the unborn this is not possible.
Maybe you should do a little meditation or just do something for you and your body, such a kind of wellness and relaxation exercises, your doctor will help you
He does as good as he can.
Unfortunately, I can’t do it again. I have to see how I can handle my exhaustion.
Do you have any advice for me?
Do not have the perfect solution now: But don’t stress yourself, just do one by one, and make yourself a plan, which is the most important, and just do that. Use any help you offer friends and relatives and let your partner do things. Maybe someone knows about the requests or can do other things for you.
Thank you for your answer. I’ve already prioritized. It’s just a lot to do in general.
Hey, get in and prioritize, that’s very important.
Greetings from the gyn