Burgerpreise, was wärt ihr bereit zu zahlen?

Folgendes Setting:

Ihr habt grundsätzliches Interesse an der neuen Burger-Karte eines euch vertrauten Restaurants. Ihr könnt entnehmen, dass es 5-6 Burger gibt, diese jeweils mit Beilage X. Auch könnt ihr entnehmen, dass die Burger in einer Preisspanne von 17-21 Euro mit Beilage liegen.
Mehr Informationen habt ihr erstmal nicht.

Habt ihr nach dem Preis noch Interesse? Was ist eure Erwartungshaltung etc…?

Lasst euren Gedanken gerne freien Lauf, bin sehr gespannt!

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11 months ago

If I find too expensive for a Burger restaurant, you should also find Burger and Beilagen free to combine.

So also only one burger without supplement, or two burgers without supplements.

Or if you are in a larger group, maybe everyone is one or two burgers, and then a few supplements that you share.

For a burger, I find 5.50€ to a maximum of 12.50€.

11 months ago


I don’t pay €20 for a burger with supplement.

That would be a 600g burger.

But you’ll have a 150g patty or something.

I don’t pay €20.

With us is a shop that buys chop, cooks it in front of your eyes and then makes you a 2x120g burger with double cheese and blah, for 15€

I also find very expensive.

But the taste is not much better to make.

11 months ago

These are normal prices in one store where the rolls are baked next to the baker and there are high quality meat. Do I eat there often? No! Is it always worth the price? I can’t compare cheap mcces stuff with nem Burger where the bread already feels more

11 months ago

If it’s a restaurant I’m familiar with which I agree qualitatively (it wouldn’t be a restaurant I’m familiar with), then I would certainly test it at the moment I would feel like a burger. Then it is very high expectation: handmade perfect, ingredients 1-a quality.

11 months ago

You can also see that the burgers are in a price range of 17-21 euros with supplement.

Joa, I’d get up and go again. I have often left a restaurant after the menu was handed over because the prices were too high. I also don’t think it’s bad why not (at many restaurants you can see the prices only when you’re already in it).

11 months ago

No, for the price I feel like feeding for a week. I rarely make this a special occasion.

11 months ago

For a very good sattmach burger I would pay 8-13€. For this you already get extremely excellent Double Smash Burger, 1000x better than any Wouldn Burgerhaus/Restaurant

For a gourmet burger I would also pay 30+

but nix in between.

would never pay 17€ for a burger, that is Scam/Betrug.

11 months ago

No, I wouldn’t pay the price.

11 months ago

As the main course with meat, that’s fine for me.

11 months ago

These are quite normal prices in a good restaurant. I’ve been paying a lot.

11 months ago

No, I wouldn’t. That’s for a burger, which is usually too expensive. Be the quality so good.

I’ll make Burger myself – or I’ll leave it.