Bürgerkonto Sparkasse?
Hallo, ich hatte einen Brief erhalten, indem ich mein normales Konto in ein Bürgerkonto wechseln und unterschreiben sollte, das habe ich nicht getan (weil ich das nicht wollte) und das wurde ohne meiner Zustimmung trotzdem durchgezogen (ich kam nie ins Minus ect.)
Nun haben die mir für einen Monat 27,45,- abgezogen… was soll das? Kann ich was dagegen tun?
liebe Grüße
Without knowing what Sparkasse is about, what this Sparkasse understands under a “citizen account”, and what conditions you have accepted (or not accepted) there, there is hardly any concrete answer.
27,45 Euros could be the fees for a quarter (and pay at least 9.15 Euros per month) but whether this is actually the case, or how this amount otherwise comes, I can only guess without more detailed information.
In the statement of accounts, “from 1.3.23 to 31.3.23, it says it is a month. I don’t understand what they want from me.
Your statement was, so that I can’t get to the minus, this is done (without my permission). I don’t get to the bottom, so even before the new change.
For a month this is actually unusually much, but without knowing the offers and conditions of this savings bank, I cannot understand.
Contact your savings bank or customer advisor on Monday.
I was hoping I could just get some tips on not letting me go.