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7 months ago

You may not be counted as income, you pay or have paid from your income or allowances for earning income according to Clause 11 b SGB – ll.

As you also have to pay your discount for normal household electricity yourself, you will get a credit after the end of the year, and this must not be counted as incomes on demand.

Payments and then refunds can be made on evtl. prove demand from the job centre and make a written statement.

Keep your feet still, if you want to know something, they’ll report.

7 months ago

If I understand correctly, you only receive paid money back.

In my opinion, this should not be taken into account.

However, the job center can try it:)

7 months ago

Should I decide before the Office, which I expect a refund, or is it subject to the account statements ?

Bzw. Is there anything like that?

No, it’s not counted on the performance.

You will probably have to explain the payment receipt. Shouldn’t be a problem. Especially since there are also the “rate payments” to this financing agency.