Bürgergeld Nachzahlung?
Ich bekomme momentan Bürgergeld weil vieles passiert ist, unteranderem ein Todesfall.
Ich hatte mehrere Termine deswegen auch nicht wahrgenommen und dann wurden meine Leistungen eingestellt, diese wurden jetzt wieder aufgenommen ” freigeschaltet “
Bekomme ich für diesen Monat noch rückwirkend mein Geld und wenn ja, kommt es dann erst im nächsten Monat oder wird das zeitnah überwiesen?
In the event of a preliminary payment setting for the declaration of claims, the payment shall be made if no cancellation of the authorisation occurs within two months.
In the event of a withdrawal due to lack of participation, a subsequent participation within one month leads to a repayment.
Regardless of this, a reduction in performance may be expected for reporting failures.
In return for the repetition of participation, I would think.
Citizens’ money for July should be repaid in a timely manner.
Yes, but not completely.
In the past, it was that the penalty expired until the end date or at least. 1 month complete.
Today the sanction has ended from the day when the request has been fully met. For the days you were in the sanction until it was fulfilled, you don’t get any money.
No, you don’t get any cash back.
Sure? I also got money and I think there was something in there with repayment when I log in there
Then you should exactly read and not only believe 🙂
Under certain circumstances.