Citizen's allowance for April when?
Does anyone know when the citizen's allowance for April will come?
On March 28th or March 29th?
Because March 29th is a holiday
Does anyone know when the citizen's allowance for April will come?
On March 28th or March 29th?
Because March 29th is a holiday
In short We wanted to see the Thor 4 movie today, but since my colleague said he has a subscription and can take us anyway, I left my ticket at home. No lie, the train was empty, just us, and it was only two stops from us to the main station. Because of the ticket,…
I was on vacation recently and still have some foreign money. I could give it a try, right?
I'm a bit confused and need a country to sort everything out. It's not possible here. Please don't mention that.
I (f15) have my own account. My father has access to it and frequently transfers money to himself. Does this count as theft? And what can I do?
I have 20k savings and am 26 years old and you
Diesen Monat ist der letzte Bankarbeitstag der Donnerstag, demnach müssen laufende Leistungen für April in Voraus spätestens da auf dem Konto zur Verfügung stehen.
Also am 28.3?
Wenn das der Donnerstag ist.
Das Geld kommt spätestens am letzten Werktag des Monats.
Am 27.03. oder am 28.03..
Ja spätestens am 28.
Am Feiertag buchen die Banken nicht.
Also am 28.3?
Ich habe keine Ahnung, aber es wird ein Werktag sein.