Bürgergeld Auszahlung Januar 2025?
Ich habe vor knapp zwei Monaten Bürgergeld beantragt und bewilligt bekommen. Wird das Bürgergeld morgen, 30.12.2024, oder am 31.12.2024 ausgezahlt? Im Internet war meistens vom 31.12.2024 die Rede, da es der letzte Werktag im Monat ist. Anderseits habe ich auch vereinzelt gelesen, dass es schon am 30.12.2024 ausgezahlt wird, da der 31.12.2024 (Silvester) kein Bankarbeitstag ist. Weiß jemand, welches Datum nun richtig ist? Danke!
So on Monday morning, but even if it only came on Tuesday at the latest, what should it be?
The 31.12 is not a bank working day and there are no bookings on Tuesday – so you guessed correctly;)
This is always for January on the 30th – no matter what weekday it is.
In every other month, it would only be at 31. But at the end of December it is always the 30th. Why don’t I know, but it’s sure you have it in the account tomorrow morning.
Because banks don’t work on New Year’s Eve
Probably not book. My father was a banker. He always had to work until 13:00 on the 31st. But I don’t know what they did.
As far as known, the 30.12. is correct, since New Year’s Day (31.12.) is not a bank working day.
you can call your job center (number is on the call) and then you can select exactly this option “Pay Citizens Money” in the menue and then you will be told.
You can do this NOW and then you know NOW. 🙂
I assume you’ll see your cover credited in the account tomorrow.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Thank you, I didn’t know this feature 🙂
This answer is nonsense.
Thank you!
Don’t tell anyone “of them!”
This answer is nonsense.
Then the FS has the opportunity to ask an employee again confirmingly.
Telephone information are in principle not available.
The FS itself can check the correctness by calling there what he did and received my answer.
It’ll be paid tomorrow.