Bunkerbase von Freund – gibt es eine Strafe?
bin gerade bei einem Freund und der hätte noch 48er Base (48mg Nikotin) und jetzt fragen wir uns, ob er sich strafbar machen würde, wenn er mir das schenken würde?
Es sind ja nur noch 20mg/ml erlaubt in 10ml Fläschchen (lächerlich)..
And if this was not stored dark and cool, it hasn’t had 48mg/ml anymore. Nicotine decomposes with time, causing the concentration to decrease steadily. Bad storage accelerates this….
The printed date is a minimum durability date, no expiry date.
As long as no contaminants come into the containers, the stuff is not broken.
In addition, the imprint is only necessary for EU food directives, even if it has no expressiveness at all.
If 20 mg are allowed, both of you are punishable.
It is difficult to consume 3 years of expired stuff.