Bundeswehr trotz Strafverfahren?

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Ich wollte mich demnächst bei der Bundeswehr bewerben , habe aber noch ein Strafverfahren , da ich Beifahrer war wo mein Kollege ohne Führerschein Bagger gefahren ist , werde ich zu 100% abgelehnt und muss warten bis es abgeschlossen ist oder habe ich trotzdem eine Chance?

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11 months ago

Even in a condemnation, this sentence would not create it in the leadership certificate if you otherwise have no further penalty. So your guidance certificate would be empty in this conviction, and your service should not be in the way.

11 months ago
Reply to  Maurice584

If you were a 16-year-old, that would be your second sentence now, and both of them appear in the leadership certificate. Then it’ll be tight with the Bundeswehr.

11 months ago

Where did you get that crap?

  1. There is no “display register”. There’s a prosecutor’s record. This register does not include advertisements, but opened investigation procedures. And so long until a trial ends in a judgment.
  2. only one (1.) condemnation comes into the leadership certificate; higher than 90 daily rates or more than 3 months imprisonment. But if you have a 2nd conviction, everything that was previously only visible in the federal central register comes into the leadership certificate, that is, also convictions that are less than 90 daily sentences or 3 months imprisonment.

If you know everything better, you don’t have to ask. You’ll see.

11 months ago

Wait for the procedure first. If it doesn’t get into the pre-crime register, you’re sure. According to GMOs, police cannot send data to the Bundeswehr. So entries are in the internal police system such as POLARIS or NEVADIS, but the Bundeswehr will never know anything about it if it doesn’t end up in the pre-prisoning register (is unlikely I had to show because of document counterfeiting, fraud, placing drugs on the market and trading with them without getting an entry into the register, so you really need to do something for it and that’s not enough for a long time)

11 months ago

100% rejected. You can’t apply to the Bundeswehr if you’re in criminal proceedings.

11 months ago
