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5 months ago

Yes, but the license must be purchased specifically for each aircraft type.

5 months ago

At the same time, you need a “type rating”, roughly simplified, an Airbus pilot can’t just fly such a boom.

But you should be aware that the military is different, is not an employer like any other. In order for the Bundeswehr to pay you the training you have to commit for many years.

As a pilot at the Bundeswehr, one does not see the great wide world, and everyone must also know how much one feels comfortable in a very hierarchical world.

5 months ago

Yes, it is possible.

I know some Bundeswehr pilots (not on A400M) who later changed to the civilian economy

5 months ago

Yes, I can!
You have the pilot training and then only need the type rating, which you usually do directly at the airline.
